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中英文篇名/Title | 泰國左翼佛教開路者素叻‧司瓦拉 Sulak Sivaraksa as the Pathfinder of Bouddhisme Engagé in Thailand |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Paper |
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頁碼/Pagination | 1-46 |
摘要/Abstract | 素叻‧司瓦拉(Sulak Sivaraksa, 1933–)是戰後泰國佛教社會運動的領袖,首節據時序探討他推動僧團教育改革、《社會科學評論》的思想啟蒙、第三世界和第一世界之間的翻譯者、十月逆流後的非暴力守護者、非政府組織奠基者,到入世佛教的跨國連網者等。第二節探討他言行的理念背反:屢犯「褻瀆皇室」罪的君主制支持者;嚴厲批評美國對泰政策的親美知識份子;反共地左傾;不受中國歡迎的知華主張者等,間接豐富了泰國公民社會。 In post-war Thailand, the social movement pioneer Sulak Sivaraksa (1933–) is a key figure of Engaged Buddhism (bouddhisme engagé). This article is composed of two sections. First, the section “Multiple Roles” tries to illustrate Sulak’s Buddhist social practices in Southeast Asia. Sulak is a modern reformer of monastic education, a mentor on social enlightenment, an interpreter between Thailand and developed societies, a non-violent practitioner reconciling political-social trauma, NGO pioneer, and a founder of INEB. Second, the section “Complex of Antinomies” tries to provide a reasonable explanation to the series of antinomies which Sulak appears to represent, such as a royalist vs. lèse-majesté offender, anti- vs. pro-American, Chinese descendant vs. China’s dissident, and anti-communist vs. Buddhist leftist and his unique interpretation, via the concept of “loyalty demands dissent”, of the Buddhist idea “dharma comradeship” (kalyāṇamitta). The conclusion is a concise remark on Sulak’s contribution to the development of Thailand’s civil society. |
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