發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 由民主代議政治的理論與實踐檢視性別比例原則 Examining Gender Quotas from the Theory and Practice of Democratic Representation |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 305-344 |
摘要/Abstract | 性別比例或婦女保障制度乃是特殊的選舉制度設計,在提昇婦女參政權的同時,限制與改變了一般常態選舉可能產生的的結果。本文首先由代議政治的本質入手,解析性別比例原則所牽涉的爭議,進而由自由主義與社群主義者角度切入,探討民主政治理論與婦女保障制度如何相容共存。其次,婦女保障名額在形式上增加了婦女的參政人數,而更多婦女代表可能引發的實質政治效應與結構變化,本文也由國外與本國相關實證研究結果做一比較歸納與分析。在此理論與比較的實證基礎上,本文最後針對我國婦女保障名額所引起的爭議與未來可能的發展做一探討。 Gender quotas or the women reserved-seat system are special electoral systems; while they promote women's political participation, they also restrain and change the normal electoral outcome. This paper first examines the relationship between gender identity and representation with reference to the conception of representation; meanwhile, it examines how the democratic polity co-exists with the reserved-seat system from the liberal and communitarian perspectives. Secondly, while the reserved-seat system does elevate the proportion of female representatives, the real impact of gender on representation can only be known through the empirical analysis of women's representation across countries. This paper also addresses the empirical question: what difference does it make whether there are greater numbers of women represented? On the basis of systematic theoretical and empirical analysis, this paper finally investigates the current status and future development of the reserved-seat system in Taiwan. |
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