發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 歐盟政治研究中理論方法之分類與比較 Classifying and Comparing Theories and Approaches to the Politics of the European Union |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 539-594 |
摘要/Abstract | 歐洲聯盟硏究隨著不同學科研究者的投入已趨向科際整合,其研究方法也呈現多樣化。然而學界對於日益多樣化的歐盟政治研究仍缺乏系統性的分類與比較,致使理論之間的爭議流於形式,徒增硏究者之困擾。有鑑於此,本文首先界定歐盟政治之研究範疇,進而依硏究單位、分析層次、本體論,和知識論將歐盟政治理論分成十六類研究取向,並討論各類理論之代表作。然後再依本文分類架構比較分析目前歐盟政治研究的主要理論爭議。透過有系統的整理,本文在相當程度已釐清歐盟政治理論間的假爭議,進而提供國內歐盟學界一個完善的研究方法工具箱。 Studies on the European Union (EU) have gradually become multi-disciplinary in nature, as many researchers have brought in theories and methods from their own disciplines. However, without systematically classifying and comparing these theories and methods, scholars are often overwhelmed by the sheer complexity of theoretical debates over the politics of the EU. In this paper, I seek to redress this problem by first defining the research parameters of EU politics. Next, based on four criteria-unit of research, level of analysis, ontology, and epistemology—I classify theories into sixteen categories. Then, various academic works on EU politics are placed into each of these sixteen categories to highlight their theoretical attributes. Finally, major theoretical debates in the field of EU studies are analyzed. It has been suggested that many theoretical debates over EU politics are no more than phony wars among scholars who employ different units and levels of analysis, as well as different ontological or epistemolgical positions. By classifying and clarifying theoretical variants and debates, this paper offers a valuable tool kit of methods and approaches for researchers in the field of EU politics. |
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