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中英文篇名/Title | 參與式治理和正義的永續性:比較兩岸原住民發展政策的制度創意 Participatory Governance and Just Sustainability: Institutional Innovation and Developmental Policies in Taiwan and China |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 457-483 |
摘要/Abstract | 偏遠地區的少數民族常常是經濟上的弱勢,需要高力度的經濟發展。但許多處於生態脆弱地區的少數民族,其發展經濟的努力,依賴大規模自然資源的開採,往往導致整體社會龐大的環境代價,因此陷入開發與保育的兩難。近年興起的「異族生態旅遊」(ethno-eco-tourism),似乎為這個兩難情境,找到兩全其美的辦法。兩岸許多少數民族都透過觀光來追求永續發展,但過程中如何處理利益分配的問題,讓發展的果實能夠族人共享,同時避免在發展的努力中,產生搭便車的集體行動困境,兩岸確有相當不同的作法。共產黨執政的大陸,在廣西龍勝採用了非常資本主義的方式,讓政府投資旅遊公司,協助當地村寨發展經濟。反之,臺灣則讓泰雅族在山裡實施志願的集體主義。兩邊都有相當可觀的成就,相映成趣。本研究檢視政府介入的不同模式,探討公民參與對於資源分配正義的效果與挑戰。 Tribal minorities remote areas are usually in an inferior economic status and thus need a greater push for their development. Nevertheless, their location in ecologically sensitive regions prevents them from conducting developmental projects that usually result in heavy social costs. The dilemma can be solved by ethno-eco-tourism that has been popular in recent years. Tourism turns the natural resources to pubic goods that will not diminish with the increase of consumption. The public goods, however, might be destroyed by free-riders who maximize individual interests at the cost of collective ones. Managing collective actions in such a developmental process is therefore a critical task for these minorities. This study contrasts two alternative solutions adopted by China and Taiwan respectively. In China, the Communist regime rode on the tide of managerialism and adopted a capitalist solution by setting up a chartered company to run the tourist businesses, to provide infrastructure, and to manage the free-riding problem. Ironically, the anti-communist regime in Taiwan actually encouraged the tribal folks to develop a commune in which participants share incomes and labor in running tourism businesses. While their respective strengths and drawbacks are discussed, essential policy implications for just sustainability are the main focus of scrutiny. |
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