發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 不識字又兼無衛生?論自然資源在公共衛生與教育中對女性的影響,1960–2017 Destined to Be Less Educated and Unhealthy? Testing the Impact of Natural Resources on Female Public Health and Education, 1960–2017 |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 467-516 |
摘要/Abstract | 自從Ross(2008)基於「自然資源詛咒」論述探討中東與北非地區婦女地位如何受到石油影響以來,學者們對於自然資源如何影響女性地位有相當豐富的討論,但卻一直沒有共識。本文認為,自然資源同時影響了女性的衛生與受教權。自然資源的經濟結構導致執政者欠缺投資人力資本的意願;政府出於自身的動機不易推動產業多樣化,因此資源為主的經濟結構難以改變。這些因素解釋了女性的教育與衛生權為什麼在資源豐富的國家中受到限制。在驗證上,作者採用1960–2017年之間126–164個國家的數據,實證結果除了支持上述見解以外,也有深刻的政策意涵與理論貢獻。 Since Ross (2008) explored whether or not the status of women in the Middle East and North African region is affected by oil on the basis of the “resource curse” thesis, scholars have extended this link into a variety of discussions. Consensus, however, is far from conclusive. This paper argues that natural resources also affect female education and health rights. The author proposes that natural resources discourage political leaders from investing in human capital of women. Additionally, they also lack strong incentives to diversify the resource-based economy. These factors account for why women’s education and health outcomes are limited in resource-rich states. To lend empirical support, the author applies natural resource data of 126–164 states between 1960 and 2017. Empirical results not only support the arguments as mentioned, but also provide policy implications and theoretical contributions to the status of women in resource-rich states. |
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