發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 審議造就積極公民?公民審議、社會資本與政治參與 Does Deliberation Foster Civic Activism? Public Deliberation, Social Capital and Political Engagement |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 133-177 |
摘要/Abstract | 本文針對臺灣六場全國性公共審議的參與者,在數年後,進行追蹤調查,發現這群公民的政治參與程度長期而言並未提昇。另外,我也檢視,什麼因素,使得參與審議的公民,在審議過後,政治參與的涉入程度有所不同?我分析政治參與程度和前後變化幅度是否受到審議經驗的評價和社會資本變項的影響。研究結果顯現,審議經驗的評價沒有顯著效果,參加公益性社團可以顯著提高參與者的政治參與程度。結論指出,如果公民在日常生活和社會交往中,缺乏經常性的參與機會,一次性的審議經驗,長期而言並無法顯著提昇參與者整體的政治參與程度。 It has long been held that public deliberation can foster the civic activism required for a healthy democracy. However, the claim has not been rigorously tested. Using a follow-up study of participants in six events of civic deliberation in Taiwan, this paper constructs objective indicators to measure the long-term effects of deliberation on political participation. It is found that the participants’ levels of political engagement did not significantly increase after deliberation, and that participants who were members of public-interest associations have higher levels of political participation and are more likely to increases political engagement after deliberation. The paper concludes that it is the opportunities of participation offered by social interactions in daily life, rather than the one-time experience of deliberation, that are more likely to foster civic activism. |
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