發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 臺灣青壯年人口健康行為的影響因素 Determinants of Health Behavior among Working-age Population in Taiwan |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 111-151 |
摘要/Abstract | 臺灣民眾主要死因以慢性疾病居多,健康行為被視為控制慢性病及促進健康的重要途徑。具體的健康行為可包括:規律運動和均衡飲食等良好生活型態。本文利用2004–2008年國民營養健康狀況變遷調查之資料,選取19至64歲人口為對象,檢視人口特質和社經背景等因素對於能否落實蔬果攝取和規律運動的影響效果。結果顯示,教育程度越高、中等收入之人口,落實健康行為的比例高於其他族群。此外,年齡越長者,規律運動或足量水果攝取的比例越高;女性攝取足量水果的比例高於男性;經濟條件佳、有伴侶者,則對於攝取蔬果有所助益。 The majority of the top 10 causes of death in Taiwan are chronic diseases. Active health behaviors such as eating habits or physical activities are regarded as a critical pathway for preventing chronic diseases and promoting health. By using the 2004–2008 Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan, this study selects the population aged 19 to 64 as the object, and discusses the effects of socioeconomic conditions and other influential factors on health behaviors, including regular exercise and fruit and vegetable intake. The results indicate that the groups with higher education level or middle income have higher probability of implementing health behaviors. Economic status shows positive effects on the behavior of fruit and vegetable intake. In addition, other demographic factors, including age, sex, and marital status, affect the behaviors of regular exercise and fruit and vegetable intake. |
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