發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 政治知識中「不知道」猜題效應的性別差異 Gender Differences in the Guessing Effect of “Don’t Know” Designs in Political Knowledge |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 39-73 |
摘要/Abstract | 本文以東吳大學學生為實驗設計的對象,探討政治知識中「不知道」猜題效應的性別差異。本研究主要發現:(1)不同 DK 的設計會影響政治知識之猜答結果。(2)是否鼓勵受訪者回答不知道會影響性別猜答傾向之差異;當不鼓勵也不阻止回答不知道但提供不知道選項時,女性回答不知道的比例高於男性;當鼓勵受訪者回答不知道時,回答不知道的比例增加,但是男女回答不知道的比例差距減少。(3)以多元迴歸模型來檢視性別在不同類型的問卷中的作用,在控制幾個重要變數後,只有鼓勵受訪者回答不知道的B2問卷,不同性別的政治知識並無顯著的差異。 An experimental design was tested on Soochow University students to explore whether the “don’t know” guessing effect in political knowledge shows a gender difference. The main findings of this study are as follows: (1) The form of a question on political knowledge affects the answers. (2) Whether the respondents are encouraged to answer “don’t know” (DK) affects the gender differences; when an answer of DK is neither encouraged nor prevented but this option is provided, men’s political knowledge is higher than women’s, while the proportion of females answering DK is higher than that of males. When they were encouraged to answer DK, the proportion of DK replies increased, and the disparity between men and women decreased. (3) Finally, four multiple regression models were used to examine the role of gender in responding to different types of DK designs. After controlling for several important variables, the results show that only when respondents were encouraged to answer DK did the gender differences in political knowledge disappear. |
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