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中英文篇名/Title | 妥協的集體與貪婪的個人:透明、課責與反貪的交織效果 Compromised Collectives vs. Greedy Individuals: The Interplay between Transparency, Accountability, and Corruption |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 209-261 |
摘要/Abstract | 反貪研究將陽光(透明)視為最好的消毒劑。然此假設在經驗研究卻呈兩極。究其要因,文獻未深究如何健全透明機制以抑制貪腐,即使透明具聚光燈效果,其有效性仍應取決行為者對不同課責途徑風險成本之感知。本文探討透明與課責的交互影響並提出四大分類,驗證其對個人貪腐與集體貪腐的影響。對象為中國大陸基層文官,研析在高增長高腐敗困境下之反貪治理成效。結果發現:透明對抑制個人與集體貪腐皆具成效,惟其效果受不同課責途徑調節;行政課責能增強透明對個人與集體貪腐的抑制作用,而社會和法律課責僅能增加透明對集體貪腐的抑制效果。 Research on anti-corruption efforts often considers sunlight (transparency) to be the best disinfectant, yet prior studies have no consensus on this proposition. We argue that although transparency has a spotlight effect, its efficacy is determined by an actor’s assessment of the effectiveness of various accountability channels. This study proposes a 2×2 typology to illustrate different anti-corruption mechanisms between transparency and accountability. |
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