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中英文篇名/Title | 論明代晚期葡萄牙人的中國奴隸獲取方式 The Acquisition of Chinese Slaves by the Portuguese in the Late Ming Dynasty |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | - |
摘要/Abstract | 自葡萄牙人於明朝時期抵達中國沿海以來,其參與中國奴隸交易的歷程從未間斷,無論是在走私貿易時期或定駐澳門後的階段。他們甚至跨海至日本購買被倭寇俘虜的中國人。這一現象已被許多學者確認並引述。然而,現有的研究大多侷限於介紹相關史實,或者僅針對特定時期的葡萄牙人參與中國奴隸貿易的情況進行討論,尚未有學者全面且系統地分析明代葡萄牙人的中國奴隸貿易現象。本文嘗試以1510至1640年代的東亞海域為背景,探討葡萄牙人在這些不同的歷史時期如何獲取中國奴隸。本研究期望能提供一種新的視角,來詮釋早期全球化在東亞海域的發展情況。 During the 16th and 17th centuries, after their arrival on the shores of Ming China, the Portuguese maintained a continuous record of purchasing Chinese slaves, even venturing to Japan to procure Chinese captives. This phenomenon has been noted and referenced by many scholars; however, most studies of the Portuguese trade in Chinese slaves have confined themselves either to presenting the historical facts or to examining it during a particular period. A systematic and comprehensive analysis of the Portuguese engagement in the Chinese slave trade during the Ming era remains absent. This paper endeavors to elucidate how the Portuguese engaged in the Chinese slave trade within the East Asian maritime domain at different periods from the 1510s to the 1640s in the hope of offering a novel perspective on the evolution of early globalization in the context of maritime East Asia. |
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