發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 離岸風電如何推動地方創生?以桃園麗威和日本北九州響灘離岸風電開發案為例 How Offshore Wind Energy Leads to Local Revitalization: The Cases of Taiwan’s Li-Wei Project in Taoyuan and Japan’s Hibiki Project in Kitakyushu |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 611-677 |
摘要/Abstract | 離岸風電具有資本與技術的高門檻,為確保發展成果能促成在地永續發展,本文參考IEA和國際經驗,提出「產業投資和經濟帶動」、「多元化在地共利機制」、「在地參與和夥伴關係」與「能力建構導向之相關政策配合」四項指標檢視其促成地方創生之成效。 Offshore wind energy is a capital- and technology-intensive industry. To probe its overall impact and potential benefits to local sustainability development, this study adopted four parameters that drew from the IEA and other international practices: “local investment and economy bolstering,” “diverse local benefit-sharing mechanism,” “local participation and partnership,” and “capacity-building-oriented policies.” It then examined the effect of offshore wind energy on local revitalization. |
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