發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 古老的社會幽靈:陶希聖與王亞南的社會科學官僚論 The Ancient Social Spectre: Tao Xisheng and Wang Yanan’s Social Scientific Critique of Bureaucracy |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 425-464 |
摘要/Abstract | 透過陶希聖與王亞南在 1920– 1940 年代對官僚主義的批判,本文探討國、共兩黨再革命理論所共有的思想淵源。陶希聖與王亞南批判官僚主義時所針對的,分別是 20 年代的國民革命以及 40 年代的共產革命。面對革命即將成功的希望,他們都以 20 年代興起的社會科學世界觀,運用「官僚」(bureaucracy)概念來涵攝各種深層的道德與社會問題,並明確指出革命不應只停留在政權更迭而已。本文既會把陶希聖與王亞南的著作,置諸 1920– 1940 年代的特殊脈絡裏,細緻地分析他們的具體境況;同時也將從官僚主義的思想史切入,探討再革命理論在 20 世紀初的獨特吸引力以及困境。 This paper historicizes Tao Xisheng and Wang Yanan’s critiques of bureau-cratism and theories of further revolution. In contexts of the political culture from the 1920s to 1940s, the cases of Tao Xisheng and Wang Yanan reveal an unnoticed intellectual lineage shared by the Nationalist and Communist camps. Originally written in response to the Nationalist Revolution in 1920s and the Communist Revolution in 1940s, the anti-bureaucratic discourses of Tao and Wang shared a so-called social science discourse which emerged in the 1920s. Employing the concept of bureaucracy to encapsulate fundamental, and often moral, questions of society, they argued that revolutionaries should move further beyond the change of regimes. By contextualizing the works of Tao and Wang, this paper not only refines our understanding of the political culture of the 1920s and 1940s, but also sheds light on the appeal of the idea of further revolution, and its predicaments in the twentieth century. |
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