發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 政治參與的意義:方法論上的分析 On Conceptualizing and Establishing Measurement Properties of the Concept "Political Participation" |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 173-211 |
摘要/Abstract | 晚近以來,一些政治學者在歷經一連串的檢討後,率直地指出,政治學者雖然一向重視主要概念的界定及其指標的建立,但至今依然尙未發展出一套衆所依循的概念分析程序,並且也未推展出測量課題的根本研究。爲了確實正視特定概念的基本分析,本文試圖運用一個新近提出的「概念分析程序」,評述「政治參與」的概念製作,一方面希望能對特定概念的基本分析,提供一個較爲完整的例釋,另一方面則期望能從我們的評述中,清楚顯現出特定概念的界說丶指標丶及類型之間的密切關係。 The notion that concept serves as science's base seems commonplace. Yet, the widespread acknowledgement of the importance of sound concept and good measurement have not led to the development of systematic and general approaches to concept analysis and measurement in political science. My intention in this paper has been to analysis the concept "Political Participation", and to evaluate its measurement properties and typologies. Using an analytic procedure currently set forth by a political methodologist, I attend to provide a conceptural justification for the CNPPSC measures. |
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