發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 權力概念的解析 Analysis of the Power Concept |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 215-267 |
摘要/Abstract | 在社會科學的研究領域中,討論權力現象的專門著作,雖然層出不窮,但至今仍有一系列急待釐清或解決的爭論課題。依據筆者的淺見,這些各是其是而互有關連的爭論課題,雖然涵蓋了十分廣泛的討論範圍,並縱貫了十分深入的根本論點,但主要都從不同的權力概念的源頭,源源不絕地泉湧出來而奔流到各色各樣的課題上。換而言之,造成這些爭論課題的原因,固然是多方面的,但爭論諸造各持不同的權力概念,乃是其中的主要理由之一。有鑑於此,筆者不揣簡陋,試圖提出一個簡單的分類架構,從而分就「權力的混和觀」丶「權力的行為觀」丶「權力的結構觀」、以及「權力的界線觀」等論點,解析權力概念的意義,以期爬梳盤根錯節的爭論課題,並降低其中的爭議程度。 In the research field of social science, despite the lengthy and rich dialogue on the study of power, many of the central questions pertaining to the construct of power theory remain, by and large, unresolved or disputed. According to the author's view, these unresolved or disputed questions, although they imply very extensive discussion scope and very deep basic arguments, are mainly caused by different power concepts. In other words, the reasons for the dispute are many, but each disputant holding a different power concept is one of the main causes. In order to sort out the deep-rooted dispute and reduce the degree of dispute among them, this article seeks to propose a simple framework for analysis, and to divide the views of power into 'the mixing view of power', 'the behavior view of power', 'the structure view of power', and 'the boundary view of power'. |
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