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中英文篇名/Title | 「需要」的概念與社會福利:社會主義、自由主義與英國式的福利國家 The Concepts of Needs and Social Welfare: Socialism, Liberalism, and the British Welfare State |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 257-304 |
摘要/Abstract | 本文從「需要」概念在西方社會主義和自由主義政治史中的使用和發展,來探索英國式福利國家的運作機制和福利危機的邏輯。需要的社會行政管理統治模式以行政管理的組織和專業技術,來形成「戰後福利共識」,組成自由民主--資本主義--福利國家,取代了世紀長的政治意識型態與價值衝突。隨著政治經濟運作條件的改變,需要管理的政治自 1970 年代起不再能有效的穩定和消除衝突的多元價值。「福利」做爲一種需要的滿足,相對於效用的極大化,如何理性地調合這些價值衝突和隨之帶來的團體衝突,仍有待一健全的需要理論和政治。 The concepts of "needs" and "social administration of needs" are essential to analyzing the working mechanism of the British welfare state and the logic of its crisis. The constellation of "liberal democracy," "capitalism," and "welfare state," which is organized around the principles of bureaucratic administration and professional decision-making, diminishes vehement conflicts among political ideologies and values that have raged since the beginning of the last century. However, the "Post-Cold War consensus" dissolved quickly from the 1970s. In the changing world political-economic conditions, however, the "politics of needs administration" no longer serves effectively to stablize the economy and, in turn, to contain conflicting values. As a result, social welfare, understood in terms of "needs fulfillment" in contrast to the utilitarian notion of "utility-maximization." urgently needs to be reconceptualized and retheorized. |
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