發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 省籍性別文化的經濟影響:台灣家庭資源配置策略的省籍性別分析 Gender Culture as Economic Determinant: Household Resource Allocation Strategies Among Ethnic Groups in Taiwan |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 611-659 |
摘要/Abstract | 「閩南人比較重男輕女」「娶妻當娶客家女」這些社會上普遍存在的刻板印象究竟有沒有現實基礎?不同省籍族群間是否存在不同的性別權力文化?如果省籍族群背景與女性在家中地位有關的話,這種省籍間不同的性別權力關係會如何影響個人的經濟條件及生活機會?從這些研究問題出發,本研究運用大型社會調査資料,試圖針對新家庭經濟學者之理論及 Susan Greenhalgh 對台灣家庭中之權利義務關係所提出的代間契約理論,探索家庭做爲資源分配的一個中介機構,如何透過各種資源分配手段,如對子女敎育之投資、財產之繼承和對父母的照顧奉養等,影響不同省籍族群中兩性的生活機會。本研究中同時分析在特定的歷史情境下,省籍族群背景所代表的結構性經濟條件與家庭結構差異,如何透過家庭的資源分配機制和性別文化的學習而成爲社會階層化的一個重要因素。 It is commonly believed among people in Taiwan that patriarchal culture among the Taiwanese is stronger than that among the mainlanders. In this study, I examine whether such ethnically different patriarchal cultures exist from the angle of domestic resource allocation against two main theoretical perspective: (1) The altruistic parental behavior argued by new home economists; and (2) The patriarchal family system advocated by feminist scholars. To examine the above two views, material flows between parents and children are analyzed to see if reciprocal relationships exist between parents' investment on children and children's obligations to parents' old age support using empirical data from two large national social surveys. The parental investment on children is measured by educational investment and inheritance practices. The material flows from adult children to parents are measured by several indicators: daughters' age of starting working, daughters' control over own earnings, sons' and daughters' shares of parents' living costs, medical expenditures, and the living arrangements of the parents. Based on findings in this research, I argue that ethnic variations of gender inequalities in postwar Taiwan can be understood as the result of the interplay between economic rationality and patriarchal family culture. Patriarchal family systems operate within, and respond toward the encompassing economic world. The existing ethnic division of labor and other institutional factors provide structurally distinctive grounds for rational calculation. Based on these distinct calculi, different ethnic households reshape gender-biased resource allocation strategies to make the most out of their economic situations. |
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