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中英文篇名/Title | 尼采的自由概念:介於酒神戴奧尼索斯與太陽神阿波羅之間 Nietzsche’s Concept of Freedom: Between the Dionysian and Apollonian Spirits |
論文屬性/Type | 一般論文 Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 1-56 |
摘要/Abstract | 本文梳理英美學界對於尼采自由概念的立場異同,定義尼采屬於以撒亞伯林劃分之積極自由陣營,並提出自己對尼采自由概念的理解。本文意在論證尼采獨有的自由概念,事實上是酒神戴奧尼索斯與太陽神阿波羅合作無間卻又彼此競逐角力的關係。這個自由的概念,不只幫我們了解尼采理想中超人應有什麼素質,同時也使尼采前期的思想和中、後期有了一以貫之的支點,幫助我們在尼采充滿矛盾和衝突的文本中,找到他一生自始至終的關懷,此支點也有助於我們釐清尼采思想的核心。 This article aims to clarify the controversies surrounding Nietzschean freedom in the English-speaking world and argues that Nietzsche can be seen as a proponent of positive freedom. It offers an alternative interpretation of Nietzsche’s concept of freedom. The uniqueness of Nietzsche’s idea of freedom lies in its pursuit of a balance and harmony between the Dionysian and Apollonian spirits. Furthermore, Nietzschean freedom is deeply concerned with the questions of “how to become yourself” and “how to become an overman,” which are also at the core of Nietzsche’s thought. |
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