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中英文篇名/Title | 追尋世俗正義:德沃金的宗教無神論與跨文化反思 In Search of Secular Justice: Ronald Dworkin’s Religious Atheism and Intercultural Reflections |
論文屬性/Type | 一般論文 Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 57-107 |
摘要/Abstract | 本文企圖藉由闡釋《沒有神的宗教》的核心主張「宗教無神論」,來描繪德沃金所追尋的世俗正義觀,進而指出其後期著作中的自由主義式人文思想特質。無疑的,從《法袍正義》到《刺蝟的正義》,晚近有越來越多學者咸信,德沃金宏大的道德、政治及法律哲學敘事中,鑲嵌貫穿著價值一體的正義永恆圖像。宗教雖然是德沃金晚年才特別關注的課題,但實則在《生命自主權》、《民主在此可能嗎?》等作品曾用不同形式或概念論述過,例如尊嚴、生命、寬容及世俗國家等。因此,本文將沿著自由主義的普世路標,把宗教放在德沃金整個法政哲學的理論脈絡中來理解,希望藉由耙梳他晚年留下的思想遺產,能夠對自由主義實踐有更深刻的反思。 This article aims to elaborate Ronald Dworkin’s “religious atheism” in Religion without God (2013), in search of his secular justice, and then to clarify the liberal-humanistic thought of his late works. From Justice in Robes (2006) to Justice for Hedgehogs (2011), many scholars believe that there are “images of justice” of the unity of value in Dworkin’s grand narrative of moral, political and legal philosophy. For this, I also analyze Life’s Dominion (1994), Is Democracy Possible Here? (2006) and the like, including for instance the ideas of dignity, life, tolerance and the secular state. On the universal way of liberalism, I will discuss religion in terms of legal and political theory and critically reflected liberal practice in order to point out Dworkin’s legacies. For this purpose, the article will finally focus on intercultural dialogue and try to show the implications of Dworkin’s universalism and humanity. |
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