發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 消失的多元想像:論社會學中理論與經驗的關係 The Disappearing of Plural Imaginations: On the Relationships between Theory and Experience in Sociology |
論文屬性/Type | 一般論文 Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 189-234 |
摘要/Abstract | 本文企圖回顧Weber、Durkheim 與Marx 等社會學三大家在方法 論的著作中對於理論與經驗之間關係的看法。藉由比較三人對此議 題之不同見解來呈現社會學在建制化之初即便努力躋身科學之列, 仍保有對此議題之多元想像。其次為了理解深受美國影響的台灣社 會學主流相關主張之基礎,本文也以Habermas 對知識旨趣的分類總 結了前節的討論,並作為理解美國實證社會學獨大的基礎。據此比較 Parsons 及其學生Merton 對此一議題之主張。最後,呈現美國社會學 主流對於理論與經驗之間關係的看法,實際上是落實為台灣社會學界 對理論研究與教學上的看法與制度變革。 This paper attempts to review the views of three major sociological scholars, Weber, Durkheim, and Marx, on the relationships between theory and experience in their methodological works. By comparing the different views of the three scholars on this issue, we present the plurality of imaginations on this issue at the beginning of sociology’s establishment, even as it strived to become one of the established sciences. Secondly, in order to understand the basis of the mainstream sociological propositions in Taiwan, which are heavily influenced by the United States, this paper also summarizes the discussion in the previous section with Habermas’ classification of knowledge interests, which serves as a basis for understanding the dominant view of empirical sociology in the United States. In this way, it compares the claims of Parsons and his student Merton on this topic. Finally, the institutional changes in the view and teaching of theory in Taiwanese sociology are presented as a practical implementation of the mainstream view of the relationship between theory and experience in U.S. sociology. |
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