發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 東亞資本主義與福利國家:日本、韓國與臺灣年金制度的比較歷史制度分析 Welfare Capitalism in East Asia: A Comparative Institutional and Historical Analysis of Pension Systems in Japan, Korea and Taiwan |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Paper |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 1-36 |
摘要/Abstract | 本研究主要發展一個「整合性的政治經濟學觀點」解釋日本、韓國與臺灣的公私年金體系的歷史發展、改革以及其差異性,並嘗試反省過去有關東亞福利國家體制觀點。研究發現,東亞福利國家之間的差異性遠比我們想像的還要來的明顯。本研究認為必須透過更多的實證比較研究,從不同的政策領域瞭解東亞福利國家的差異,而不僅是在建構體制。 This study aims to rethink the perspective of East Asian welfare regime by developing an integrated political-economic explanation to analyze the historical origins, reforms and variations of public-private pension mix in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. This study finds that the variations between East Asian welfare states are far more significantly than we though. Thus, we need more empirical studies to understand variations among East Asian welfare states, instead of regime construction. |
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