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中英文篇名/Title | 台灣地區縣市層級「分立政府」與「一致政府」之比較:以新竹縣市與嘉義縣市為例 Divided and Unified Government in Taiwan's Local Politics: The Cases of Hsin-chu County / City and Chia-yi County / City |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 251-304 |
摘要/Abstract | 邇來,行政部門與立法部門分屬不同政黨所掌握的「分立政府」(divided government) , 巳成為我國各級政府普遍存在的型態;相對地,行政部門與立法部門皆由同一政黨所掌控的「一致政府」(unified government) , 卻有逐漸減少的趨勢。自1997年縣市長選舉之後,縣市層級府會由不同政黨掌控之分立政府,已甚為普遍;2000年總統大選之後,此一現象更擴展至中央政府層級,其衍生之政治運作與決策、執行等問題日益凸顯。鑑於分立政府意涵及其議題具有相當的重要性,本研究以新竹縣市與嘉義縣市為分析對象,從「縣市政府年度預算刪減之幅度」、「縣市政府所提法案之通過比例與結果」,以及「縣市政府之施政滿意度」等三個面向,做為檢測指標,嘗試比較分立政府與一致政府在「政府表現」(government performance) 與「領導效能」(leadership efficiency) 方面的差異。分析結果顯示,分立政府的新竹縣與一致政府的嘉義縣,在政府年度預算刪減幅度方面,比分立政府的新竹市與嘉義市來的小;在法案審議過程與結果,似乎也更具「立法生產力」(legislation productivity)。再者,在地方政府施政滿意方面,分立政府似乎不必然減低民眾對於政府施政績效的評價;民眾對於縣市政府表現的評價相當程度受其政黨偏好的影響。在結論中,本文認為分立政府應可成為研究台灣地區政治發展的另一重要領域,並且提出未來可能的研究方向與建議。 The phenomenon of divided government, i.e. the control of the executive and legislative branches by different political parties, has become a daily reality in Taiwan's national and local politics. Yet it has received relatively little attention from a comparative perspective. In the literature, researchers tend to disagree with each other concerning whether divided government leads to policy gridlock, stalemate and inefficiency. To the sure, the core of these arguments is closely related to the ways of measuring the concepts of "government performance" and "leadership efficiency." This pilot study focuses on Hsinchu County and Hsinchu City, and Chiayi County and Chiayi City, attempting to shed some light on this important issue by comparing (1) the reduction proportions of local government budgets, (2) the proportions of legislative enactments proposed by the executive, and (30 the public's evaluation and levels of satisfaction with their local government's performance. The findings indicate that, with respect to the first two indicators, Hsinchu County (divided government) and Chiayi County (unified government) indeed are more productive than Hsinchu City (divided government) and Chiayi City (divided government). Furthermore, the evidence shows that those respondents under divided governments do not necessarily express more negative views than those under unified governments, although their party identification also seems to be an important intervening variable in shaping their opinion. We conelude that divided government is a field worthy of continued research by Taiwan's political scientists. |
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