發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 建構相互主觀的想像體:剖析冷戰起源時期的國際關係研究所及其中國研究(1953–1975) Constructing an Inter-Subjective Imaginality: Analyzing Taiwan's Institute of International Relations and Its China Studies during the Early Cold War (1953–1975) |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 61-104 |
摘要/Abstract | 成立於1953年的政治大學國際關係研究中心(國研中心)是臺灣中國研究與國際研究的學術重鎮。然而在冷戰高峰期間,國研中心實為中國國民黨政府最為信任的敵情與外交智庫,更被國府統治者賦予對外宣傳的任務,以中共情報提供者的身分廣泛參與了國際冷戰的活動,竭力協助國民政府維繫中華民國作為一個相互主觀之國際想像體的的身分與地位。本文以國際關係理論中的反思式建構主義為理論架構,以1960年代臺美雙邊中國研究社群建立合作交流的協商談判過程為案例,為國研中心在冷戰時期的制度發展歷程與其國際角色提供一個更具說服力的詮釋。 Founded in 1953, the Institute of International Relations (IIR) of National Cheng-chi University is a renowned institution of International Studies in Taiwan. During the Cold War, however, IIR was an intelligence analysis unit of the ruling Kuomintang government, maintaining intimate relations with Taiwan's authoritarian leadership. Beginning in the mid–1960s, IIR was further tasked with conducting foreign propaganda, by providing authoritative intelligence and insightful analyses about the Communist government in mainland China to selective China specialists in the West. This article applies reflexive constructivism to critically examine the conditions, rationales, mechanisms, and intellectual implications of IIR's institutional-functional development during the Cold War. Studying the institutional history of IIR not only lends much-needed impetus to the Cold War Studies in Taiwan, but also helps to reflect on, and further problematize, the knowledge-power relations upon which scholars of China Studies conduct research in today's Taiwan. |
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