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中英文篇名/Title | 貧窮的歷史性解構:以英、美兩國為例 The Historical Interpretation of Poverty: Results from Britain and the United States |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 79-113 |
摘要/Abstract | 基本上,無論是採取那一種福利策略,它們共同關懷的旨趣皆是在於:將社會福利視為一種預防、舒緩以及消滅貧窮的方法,藉而提供經濟安全的保障,或者說是滿足需要。然而,就福利國家的歷史演進來説,有關貧窮的意義與定位,卻有其特有的時代意涵。因而,本文正是試圖對貧窮這個概念作一緃觀式的歷史考察。至於,透過這種歷史表述的迂迴方式,點明出來:1.就英、美兩國濟貧法的史實發展來看,這兩個國家濟貧政策的歷史進程大致上都是一種從「工作導向模式」一一「需要導向模式」再回到「工作導向模式」的政治經濟現實。不過,不同的結構性條件卻使得貧窮的概念在英、美兩國出現不同的歷史性轉折。2.從各種反制貧窮的機制設計當中,指陳出來對於相關的濟貧制度,實際上也涉及到諸多的價值立場與價值爭議。因為,不同的價值哲學與社會共識,對於貧窮干預政策具有某種程度的引導作用,這其中包括有強調個人屬性因素的「所得再分配取向」以及著重貧窮之社會結構條件的「工作分配取向」。連帶地,窮人的權利內涵也隨著這種對貧窮價值建構的不同而與時俱變。總之,即令是對於像是貧窮這種單一福利議題的研討,背後所實有的卻是包括箸價值、社會、經濟以及政治等等諸多因素的意涵。不過,由於本文主要是以英、美兩國的貧窮史實作為論述的對象,因此,在相關理論的精煉與推論上,自然有其不可迴避的內在限制。 Basically, all social welfare practices are designed to provide fundamental economic security, in spite of the many different strategies to face poverty. But during the historical development of the welfare state, there can be found specific contextual meanings to the concept of poverty. In this paper, we abstract two tendencies from the historical interpretation of poverty. First, in Britainas well as in the United States, the same pattern of social relief is from a work-orientation model to a need-orientation model. Secondly, each case involves different value arguments in the anti-poverty programs. Incidentally, there are distinct evaluations about the human right of the poor. This paper offers a historical analysis of the social structures of poverty. But there are also some limitations to the explanation of poverty, especially if we choose Britain and the United States as our historical models. |
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