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中英文篇名/Title | 三種權力觀的鼎力對峙:真正利益與不可共量性 Three Views of Power: On the Conceptions of "Real Interest" and "lncommensurability" |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 1-39 |
摘要/Abstract | 在當代社會科學方法論的研究領域中,S. Lukes (1974) 的權力觀,引起了一系列廣泛而又深刻的辯論;各種不同的見解,至今依然層出不窮而少有定論。 J. Isaac 甚至指出,這一連串的論戰,正足以展現出社會科學根本無法擺脫「規範束縛」的一個完美例子。在這些繁雜的爭議中,最糾纏不清、但也最具關鍵性的,莫過於「真正利益」與「不可共量性」兩個論題了。若能針對這兩個關鍵課題,進行抽絲剝繭的爬梳工作,從而提綱挈領地指出解決方向,則不但裨益當代的權力研究,而且有助於提升整個政治研究的水準。本著此一信念,本文的分析,將從下述三個方面,逐一進行。首先,概述三種權力觀的鼎立對峙,從而指出權力觀的爭論,基本上繫於利益觀念的不同理解。其次,評述偏好、利益、及「眞正利益」之間的關聯,進而剖陳「眞正利益」的引介及其困難。最後,論述三種權力觀的「不可共量性」。 Steven Lukes's monograph Power: A Radical Vi'ew (1974) offers a critical analysis of pluralist and nondecision theories of power, leading to a suggested "three-dimensional view" of power. A great deal of ink has been used debating the so-called "three views of power." Though the controversy is made particular to the views of power, it is a perfect example of the way social science is normatively constituted. The aim of this paper is to explore some of the methodological problems generated by Lukes's power theory. Our investigation has two phases. After making some brief, exploratory remarks about the "three views of power," we try to analyze the problem of "real interest, "which is the most interesting dispute about the underpinnings of the power theory, and the problem of "incornmensurability," which is used to defend the theses of essential contestability. These investigations will be done by examining the contrasting accounts advanced by Steven Lukes and his critics. |
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