發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 從多重對應分析論場域理論流變 An Appraisal of the Varieties of Theories of Fields in Terms of Multiple Correspondence Analysis |
論文屬性/Type | 一般論文 Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 109-185 |
摘要/Abstract | 本文分析多重對應分析對於 Pierre Bourdieu 場域理論的啟發與新興場域理論的發展。多重對應分析特色是用卡方距離、維度縮減與正交投影,建構幾何空間,以勾勒變數與個體的複雜關係。本文主張:Bourdieu 意義下的客觀或結構關係有賴維度的縮減與建構;場域分析的「交錯結構」來自正交投影,有利探討多維度的分化;「結構與功能的同構性」則體現幾何分析的特有解釋模式。新興場域理論的支持者沒有注意到該方法的重要,因此難以區分互動關係與客觀或結構關係,未能深化原有理論的經驗研究綱領。例外是 John Levi Martin 等人針對該方法的限制,他們轉而發展著重「場域效應」的理論架構和測量方法。研究者應注意特定理論與特定方法的親和性,以便選擇或發展適切的研究語彙和工具。 This paper addresses the affinity between Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of fields and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) to appraise subsequent theories of fields. By chi-squared distance, dimension reduction and orthogonal projection, multiple correspondence analysis constructs a“geometric space” to depict the complex relations between variables and individuals. This article argues that objective or structural relations in Bourdieu’s sense rely on dimension reduction and construction, that the chiastic structure of fields come from orthogonal projection, and that structural and functional homology expresses the particular explanation proposed by MCA. Subsequent field theorists, nevertheless, usually ignore the importance of this method, and can thus barely distinguish the interaction and objective relations. John L. Martin and his colleagues, however, are more attentive to the limits of this method. They develop a field theory and an alternative method focusing more on “field effects”. Therefore, this paper suggests taking seriously how Bourdieu’s field theory is inspired by MCA, because we may infer several specific analytical foci and limits from this link. Researchers more sensitive to the affinity between theories and methods may choose or propose more adequately their theory and method. |
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