發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 2018年九合一選舉網路反政黨情緒:大數據的面向與來源 Anti-Party Sentiment on the Internet in the Nine-in-One Election in 2018: Dimension and Source in Big Data |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 75-116 |
摘要/Abstract | 2018年九合一選舉期間,由於政治素人的參選,颳起了對素人政治討論的旋風,網路聲量上是否呈現了反政黨情緒?本研究發現,網路上「反政黨情緒」僅是溫和的反政黨情緒,即使網民厭倦藍綠,仍然接受政黨必須在當代民主政治中發揮作用,即使他們批評現有政黨或政黨制度的表現,還是接受第三勢力政黨。反政黨情緒與民粹主義息息相關,強調強而有力的領導的重要性,本文雖發現了「魅力領導」的聲量,卻未完全走向民粹主義。當網民對政黨政治的期望高於評價時,將造成民主赤字,也就形成了反政黨情緒,這是當前民主政治發展值得關注的面向。 During the nine-in-one election in 2018, the participation of ordinary political people ignited a whirlwind of ordinary people politics. Do Internet users display an atmosphere of anti-party sentiment? This study finds only a moderate degree of anti-party sentiment. Even if people hate the blue or green parties, they still accept that political parties must play a role in contemporary democratic politics. Even if they criticize the performance of existing political parties or political parties’ regimes, they still accept the third-force political parties. Anti-party sentiment is closely related to populism, emphasizing the importance of strong leadership. Although this article has discovered users display an atmosphere of “charming leadership”, it has not fully moved toward populism. Some people oppose the political parties, but they do not necessarily have the attitude of supporting democracy at the same time. |
關鍵字/Keyword |
大數據, 反政黨, 民粹主義, 厭倦政黨, 第三勢力, 小黨, 魅力, 網紅, 素人
big data, anti-party, populism, hate party, the third force, small party, charm, internet celebrity, ordinary people |
學科分類/Subject | |
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