發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 在臺藏人移動創傷與社會工作介入之難題 Tibetans in Taiwan: Struggles with Immigrant Trauma and Social Work Intervention |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 759-801 |
摘要/Abstract | 本文描繪1970年代起落腳臺灣之藏人,面臨雙元文化與社會肯認的失落處境,且社會地位與社區接納均受排除與污名標籤;西藏兒童之家成員飽受身心困頓,無法與臺灣社會建立無礙的社會互動,也未能與原鄉親族親密連結;歷經長時期無身分黑戶者,以專案模式取得公民權利後,個人狀態不易產生臺灣歸屬感,社群狀態則彼此競爭政治資源而裂解。社會工作實踐受到單一機構究責情緒和族裔社群階層分梳之影響,專業職能判準與行動空間有限,解決途徑在政策法規上加速難民法立法進程,在社工實務面向上則直面族群怨懟情緒,梳理族群創傷經驗,創造對話空間。 The research explores the movement of Tibetan immigrants since the 1970s, and the lives of those obtaining citizenship in Taiwan. Tibetans in Taiwan are excluded from the communities in both Taiwan and Tibet, with most experiencing the loss of two cultures, the problem of isolation, and lack of both social recognition and belongingness. Social work practices involve case work to resolve the difficulties in life experienced by these Tibetans. Unfortunately, social workers who have participated in such supporting projects have been unable to understand the immigrants’ trauma and their mood of resentment towards the public sector. Therefore, social work intervention and evaluation have been unable to fully deliver their professional value and skill for these immigrants. Solutions needed include enhancing the process of the Refugee Act, as well as working with immigrants on the trauma issue to create dialogue between Tibetans and Taiwan’s society. |
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