發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 析論亞里斯多德之最佳政體 On Aristotle's Best Regime |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 289-318 |
摘要/Abstract | 本文旨在析論亞里斯多德的最佳政體究竟爲何。筆者發現,以公民德性之培養與共善之追求爲特色的貴族政體,應爲唯一符合亞里斯多德政治學與倫理學論旨的理想政治生活型態。本文認爲,亞里斯多德並非藉由政體論提出一理想的道德烏托邦,其政治學與倫理學著作便是他所提供予現實政治改革的大政方針。在這個理想政體中,雖然未必人人盡皆爲有德之人,但人們必須將德性之追求視爲人生的應然目的。亞里斯多德德性的政治社群觀點,展現了與當代人類共同生活偏重正當權利之追求相當不同的風貌。本文認爲,他的最佳政體理論所能提供予當代社會反省的最寶貴資源是,在人類的共同生活中,除了公正規則的建立之外,公民德性的重要性更是不容忽視的。 This paper explores Aristotle's idea of the best regime. It is usually assumed that polity is the best regime for Aristotle. I will argue that aristocracy, with an emphasis on common good and civic virtue, is the only regime which fulfills Aristotle's expectation of genuine political life. I also think that Aristotle's best regime is not a moral utopia, but a realistic project for political reform. In this ideal regime, every citizen may not be virtuous, but must be in pursuit of virtues as "telos", the final end of human life. Aristotle's views of virtuous community are significanthy different than the contemporary focus on the pursuit of legitimate rights in modern times. In conclusion, I argue that the significance of civic virtue cannot be neglected, for it is insufficient to have just rules alone if human beings are to lead a sound common life. |
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