發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 影響臺灣民眾重分配政策偏好的因素 The Determinants of People's Preferences on Redistributive Policies in Taiwan |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 367-397 |
摘要/Abstract | 本文藉由2010年「公民意識與社會正義」調查資料,以多變量統計模型分析臺灣民眾的個人客觀特質、主觀認知以及所處政治經濟環境(所居住的縣市)對於重分配政策偏好的影響。統計分析結果發現:第一,教育程度越高、家庭每月總所得越低、越具有平等價值觀、認同泛綠政黨、認為貧富差距嚴重、公民意識越高等特質的民眾,都越偏好重分配政策。第二,相較於公平正義的觀點,理性自利的觀點比較適合用來解釋臺灣女性偏好重分配政策的理由。第三,民眾的公民意識越強而且認同泛綠政黨時,將會更偏好重分配政策。第四,相較於個人層次的影響因素,本文並沒有發現民眾所處政治經濟環境差異對於重分配政策偏好的影響。這些研究發現對於瞭解臺灣民眾的政策偏好以及反省政府相關政策都具有重要啟示與意義。 Based on survey data on citizenship and social justice, this paper explores the factors affecting people’s preferences on redistributive policies in Taiwan. Specifically, we ask whether and how one’s socio-demographic characteristics, personal beliefs and attitudes, and for environmental factors (economic and political) around them influence their needs on redistributive intervention from government. First of all, the findings show that people who are well-educated, with lower family income, or females with lower family income tend to favor redistributive policies. Furthermore, those who have strong egalitarian values or perceive economic inequality as serious are likely to prefer government’s redistributive intervention. Finally, people who identify with the pan-green party, or who so identify and also have a higher sense of citizenship, are also inclined to support redistributive policies. While the variables of individual level are better predictors, we do not systematically find significant effects of environmental factors on people’s distributive preferences. These findings may have some implications on assessing current people’s preferences on redistributive policies and the critical role that government should play in the near future in Taiwan. |
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