發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 不確定性與歐洲右翼民粹主義 Uncertainty and Right-wing Populism in Europa |
論文屬性/Type | 一般論文 Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 55-107 |
摘要/Abstract | 右翼民粹主義的興起是當代一個不容忽視的現象。本文嘗試以不 確定性的概念,說明歐洲「民粹主義轉向」(populist turn)的現象。 本文將指出,晚期現代性瀰漫對當下及未來的不安感,這種焦慮不只 跟個人社經地位的客觀物質基礎有關,同時也鑲嵌在晚期現代性的集 體社會心理狀態中,成為個人主觀情感的投射。民粹主義則將這種多 元交織的不確定性轉移化約到對移民的敵意,以及對過去民族國家的 美好想像。為此,本文章節安排如下:一、前言,提出問題意識與研 究目的,二、介紹民粹主義的特徵與研究,三、不確定性的政治,則 說明民粹主義如何同時煽動恐懼及給予希望,以確保其權力,四、思 考面對不確定性的另類選項,五、結論。 The rise of right-wing populism is a contemporary phenomenon that we cannot ignore. This article attempts to illustrate the “populist turn” in Europe by linking different dimensions of factors through the concept of uncertainty. It argues that late modernity is characterized by anxiety about the present and the future concerning the objective material basis of one’s socio-economic status and personal-psychological perception of instability. Populism transferred this intertwined uncertainty into hostility toward immigrants and a glorified image of the past nation-state. To this end, this article will discuss the characteristics of populism and related research, the politics of uncertainty, which illustrates how populism simultaneously incites fear and gives hope to secure its power. Then, this article will reflect on alternative options for facing uncertainty and conclude. |
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