發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 再探平等派的政治參與主張—以1647年普特尼辯論會為分界 Levellers’ Political Participation Revisited: Before and after the Putney Debates in 1647 |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 39-86 |
摘要/Abstract | 人民要求擴大政治參與的原因與論述,往往與當時所處的社會及政治發展脈絡相關。學者們回顧1647年的普特尼辯論時,亦反映各自關懷的議題與研究取向。本文試圖探尋該辯論的重點之一—平等派政治參與的概念是如何由寄望古憲法與共同法中請願權及其他與自由相關之特權的運作來保障自身權益,而在歷經數次請願失敗後,進一步發展出擴大政治參與之訴求。藉由回溯不同文本的概念,本文呈現平等派之所以要求選舉權的前因後果,重構後世學者指稱為觀念史上人民參政轉捩點的普特尼辯論之始末,以期今日吾人重新思考人民參政之意義與相關制度之修正方向。 This article proposes a revision to existing arguments that the Levellers demonstrated their idea of political participation based on the theory of natural rights. After attempts to petition Parliament concerning political and juridical issues by soldiers and civilians had failed, the idea was gradually developed from the right of petition, which was based on the ancient constitution and English common law. This shows that the development of the idea was closely related to its contemporary social and political background. This study demonstrates the transformation moment of the idea of franchise and sheds some light on the importance of the debates by reconstructing the story of the Putney Debates in detail. Finally, the study reconsiders the meaning of political participation nowadays and the revision of our political system. |
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