發刊日期/Published Date | |
中英文篇名/Title | 新住民子女的媒體差異呈現:語料庫與框架分析 Media Discrepancies among New Immigrant Children: Corpus-based Frame Analysis |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | - |
摘要/Abstract | 本研究以語料庫方法分析新南向政策啟航後(2017–2021),在國家發展、兩岸情勢和疫情控管等脈絡下,台灣三大報對東南亞二代及中國二代採取的論述框架差異。我們發現各報以不同的用語與議題設定來報導「新二代」,並策略性地動員論述框架再現其內部異質性。本研究也發現新二代「優勢」與「弱勢」框架的交織並存,以及優勢論背後的國族與地緣政治意涵。最後,本文指出三報雖微妙地淡化新二代內部劃分,但仍在新南向政策背景下,對兩個次群體採用政治化的論述框架。此實證案例除了展現台灣社會族群界線的變化,也揭示了媒體透過框架強化立場的過程。 This study uses a corpus-based analysis to examine how Taiwan’s three mainstream newspapers differentially construct images of Southeast Asian and Chinese Second Generation (SG) between 2017 and 2021. This period coincided with the New Southbound Policy and was marked by tense cross-strait relations and COVID–19. We found that the three media outlets use different naming and agenda-setting strategies in their reporting of NSG, while mobilizing various discursive frames to illustrate dissimilarities between the Southeast Asia SG and Chinese SG. We illustrated that NSG’s recognized “advantages” co-exist with a lingering frame of “disadvantages” and underscored the geopolitical implications this “advantage” discourse has on national identity. While the three newspapers downplayed any internal demarcation within the NSG, they adopted politicized discursive frames to de-facto differentiate Southeast Asian SG from Chinese SG. This empirical study helps identify ethnic boundary changes in Taiwan and how media outlets reinforce their existing stances through framing. |
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