Dr. Kristina Kironska / Dr. Michał Lubina 2022 跨界與流動系列講座:「China-Myanmar Relations after the 1 February Military Coup」and 「Kremlin as the Patron of the Tatmadaw: Russia-Myanmar Relations in the Post-Coup Era」 2022/11/08
趙思怡 助研究員(中研院社會所) 【專題演講】Gender, Laber Market, and Housework in the Period of Stalled Gender Revolution 【調查研究專題中心】 2022/10/27 14:00
Professor Wei-Jun Jean Yeung (Department of Sociology and School of Medicine at the National University of Singapore) 【專題演講】COVID-19 Learning Gap Effect on Young Children in Singapore 【調查研究專題中心】 2022/08/25 14:00
Research Highlights in Image Inpainting, Federated Learning, and Image Forensics/張明清助理教授(美國紐約州立大學奧爾巴尼分校) 2022/07/27
Geographically Weighted Regression Modeling for Multiple Outcomes / 陳怡如(淡江大學統計系副教授)【調查研究專題中心】 2022/07/21
Screenomics Assay: Profiling digital lives on the smartphone / 卓牧融 (Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University School of Medicine)【調查研究專題中心】 2022/05/26