
Joseph Chan, accepted, “Are There Rights in Confucian Relationships?”, editor(s): Margaret Gilbert, Jeffrey Helmreich, and Gopal Screenivasan, Palgrave Handbook on the Philosophy of Rights, Palgrave.

Joseph Chan, accepted, “Confucian Perspectives on Good Governance and Regime Type: Historical Choices and Their Contemporary Legacy”, editor(s): Nikolas Kirby, What is Good Government? The Philosophy of Office, Institutions and Administration, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Joseph Chan, accepted, “The Priority of Virtue Over the Law (fa) in Early Confucianism”, editor(s): Albert Chen and Xingzhong Yu, Research Handbook on Chinese Legal Thought, Edward Elgar.

蔡明璋、王盈婷*,accepted,〈臺灣民眾對外國人的社會距離感: 2008與2018年的分析〉,陳志柔、蔡明璋編,《全球化與國家認同》,中研院社會所。