裴卿 副教授(香港理工大學) 【GIScience 專題演講】歷史氣候變遷與社會變遷:中國歷史文獻與多時空地理尺度分析 (History of Climate and Society: Historical documents in China for multi-spatiotemporal scale analysis) 2024/11/05 14:00
Dr. Erjia Ge (多倫多大學副教授) 【GIScience 專題演講】Enhancing Health Risk Surveillance by Integrating Molecular Biology, Epidemiology, and Geography for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control 2024/10/22 14:00
姜以琳 / 上海紐約大學社會學系助理教授 *Extra Rewards for Extracurriculars: Teacher Evaluations of Adolescent Non-academic Performance and Adulthood Outcomes 2024/10/04 14:00
Dr. James X. Morris (莫詹姆 博士) (人社中心博士後研究人員) 【GIScience 專題演講】Settlements and Earth Deities of the Taipei Basin: A GIS-based deep mapping paradigm 2024/10/01
衛萬明 / 臺北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系特聘教授 *A New Paradigm in City Planning and Designing: Utilizing TOD & Smart Growth Principles - Case Studies of Taiwan and International Cities 2024/09/20 14:00