
周涵娟、郭巧玲*、羅尊文,2024,〈運用深度學習之文本災害類型判斷與災害知識圖譜建構〉,發表於2024台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會,台北中央研究院:台灣地理資訊學會,2024-07-11 ~ 2024-07-12。

林季平,2024,〈原住民系統所屬架構下的疾病傳播路徑及遷徙流動方向〉,發表於臺灣醫療人類學學會2024年會《邊界與移動:關注生命的方法》,台北:中央研究院民族學研究所:臺灣醫療人類學學會,2024-06-29 ~ 2024-06-30。

Yen-Ching Liu, Chiao-Ling Kuo*, 2024, “Constructing Spatio-temporal Disaster Knowledge Graph from Social Media”, paper presented at The 27th AGILE conference, Geographic Information Science for a Sustainable Future, Glasgow, UK: The Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe (AGILE), 2024-06-04 ~ 2024-06-07.

Wei-Cheng Chen, Thomas Y. Lu, 2024, “Equal Treatment and the Search for Prior Art: Evidence from the America Invents Act and the Elimination of the Hilmer Doctrine”, paper presented at Munich Summer Institute, Munich, Germany: ETH Zurich, Cornell University, HEC Lausanne, Ludwig Maximilians University, the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition and the Technical University Munich, 2024-05-21 ~ 2024-05-24.

Ji-ping Lin, 2024, “Open Data and Open Science as Effective Ways to Revive Hard-to-reach Population: A Decade Research Applies to Taiwan Indigenous Peoples”, paper presented at International Symposium on Grids & Clouds (ISGC) 2024, Building for Humanities and Social Sciences(BHSS), Academia Sini: Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre, ASGC, 2024-03-25 ~ 2024-03-29.

Ji-ping Lin, 2024, “Why Data Science and Open Science Are Key to Build Smart Big Data: An Example Based on a Decade Research on Hard-to-Reach Population in Taiwan”, paper presented at General Online Research 2024 (GOR24), Cologne, Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Online-Forschung (DGOF), 2024-02-21 ~ 2024-02-26.