Title: Education Databases: Are They For Government Accountability or Informing Consumers?
The talk will look at some recent efforts in the US to try to balance the multiple demands on education data to satisfy issues of compliance, regulation, accountability and consumer choice. It will identify the types of audiences that need these data and the degree to which we need to think through strategies of data presentation for multiple audiences.
Speaker: Dr. Mark S. Schneider
Vice President and Institute Fellow, American Institute for Research(AIR)
Prior to joining AIR, Dr. Schneider served as Commissioner fo the National Center for Education Statistics from 2005-2008.
Time: 2013/10/24 Thursday 14:00 - 16:00
Venue: First Conference Room(1F), Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica
Moderated by Dr. Ying-Hwa Chang (Acting Executive Officer of CSR)
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