調查研究專題中心 【華人家庭研究計畫】 專題演講
Adolescent Digital Inclusion and Well-being: Social and Policy Implications
時間:2020 / 11 / 5 (週四)下午 2 點
地點:中研院 人社中心 第一會議室
Covid-19 has worsened the problem of digital inequalities with respect to differentiated opportunities in digital access (i.e., the first digital divide), variations in digital skills and technology use (the second digital divide), and the consequences of digital use (the third digital divide). In light of school lockdown, most developed countries have been using online e-learning platforms to continue basic education. But the main remaining issues are related to the quality of e-instruction and how quick children and parents are able to adjust to the new form of e-learning styles that are quite different from the past.
In this research, I examine the relationship between digital inclusion and learning outcomes among secondary school students across a wide range of developed countries. The aims are to describe patterns of social exclusion from technology and education, and discuss related policies in industrialized nations to see how well-being issues can be addressed in this context. Using the PISA 2018 data across 26 countries/societies, I ask how and why the benefits accruing from ICT are substantially greater for some pupils, but apparently smaller for others, and how such differences may be reduced. I discuss potential social and policy implications that can be extracted from these results.
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