講題:資料蒐集:時間與關係的面相 Data Collection: The Temporal and Relational Dimensions
講者:唐牧群 教授 /國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系
時間:2022 / 2 / 9(週三)下午 2 點
Webex 線上會議(同步):https://reurl.cc/jkk88m
會議號:2519 199 1236
Drawing from my own research and prior research in the literature, my talk will highlight the “temporal” and “relational” aspects of data collection. By “temporal,” I mean the capturing of experiences- such as behaviors, feelings, or thought- at the moment of, or, close to, their occurrence. These include Experience Sampling Method (ESM) and tracing continuously the participant’s affective response during and after a hedonic event. I will report my own research of using ESM to study how individuals’ music preference traits manifest in their daily life music listening behaviors, in which 44 participants were probed and answered questions about their music experiences five times a day through the mobile app Line in a period of two weeks.
In addition, I will outline my current research that sets out to investigate how individuals integrate their rating of individual tracks into a retrospective evaluation of the whole music playlist generated by music streaming platform, based on the theory of The Peak-End Rule, which states that when individuals make retrospective evaluation of an extended hedonic episode, certain salient moments carry more weights, most noticeable of which are the moment at which the affect was most intensely felt (the peak) and the final moment (the end).
With regard to the “relational” aspect of data collection, I will talk about collecting relational data, that is, data concerning relations between a set of social actors or entities, for the purpose of conducting Social Network Analysis. The relations in question can be friendship, interaction, flow of information, and scientific collaboration. A brief introduction will be given on how to construct multiplex network within a clear boundary that include multiple relations and evolve over time.
主辦單位:中研院人社中心 調查研究專題中心
csrevent@gate.sinica.edu.tw /(02) 2787-1816