【專題演講】Pandemic and the Structure of Older Adults’ Daily Social Interactions
- 日期 : 2023/04/27 14:00
主講人 : 陳人豪(政治大學社會學系副教授)
- 地點 : 中研院人社中心第二會議室 及 Webex 線上會議室
- Webex訊息 : 會議連結:https://reurl.cc/gZng3R
會議號:2512 462 7436
- 演講摘要 : Social interactions with family and friends are crucial for older adults’ health and well-being. This study conceptualizes and empirically examines the structure of older adults’ daily social interactions before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study uses data from the 2019-2020 American Time Use Survey (N=9,697 for aged 50+) to assess the structure of older adults’ daily social interactions before and during the pandemic. Logistic regression and hurdle model with state fixed effects are used to estimate the relationships of state-level pandemic severity and older adults’ daily social interactions, while controlling for sociodemographic variables. Results showed that pandemic severity, as measured by state-level incidence rate and a policy stringency index, was associated with both a lower likelihood and degree of older adults’ social interactions in public places and non-kin interactions, but not associated with their likelihood and degree of kin interactions—even for kin living outside the household. Furthermore, pandemic severity was associated with a higher degree, but not higher likelihood, of care and companionship-related activities with kin. Finally, policy stringency was more consequential for older adults’ daily social interactions than state-level incidence rate. Although both social interactions in public and non-kin interactions declined during the pandemic, kin interactions were steady and involved a greater amount of care and companionship-related activities, even for non-household kin. These findings highlight the changes and resilience of older adults’ social interactions during a public health crisis.
- 主辦單位 : 調查研究專題中心
- 聯絡人 : csrevent@gate.sinica.edu.tw 謝小姐