New Insights about Human Well-Being from Subjective Well-Being Data
- 日期 : 2023/09/12 14:00
主講人 : Nattavudh (Nick) Powdthavee (Professor of Economics, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
- 地點 : Virtual (Cisco Webex)
- 演講摘要 : This talk provides some new insights into the use of subjective well-being data in economics. Why should economists and social scientists in general should pay more attention to what people say and not just what people do? In particular, I will be referring to the use of subjective well-being data in the investigations of the midlife crisis, hedonic adaptation, retirement and purpose, and relative working hours within household.
- 主辦單位 : 調查研究專題中心
- 聯絡人 : 謝小姐