★ 本系列演講將以英文進行;會議室人數上限為50人
An early nineteenth century provocation suggested that the functions of administrations and public works of kings and prime ministers were “originally part, not of a system of government, but of an organization to promote life, fertility, prosperity, by transferring life from objects abounding in it to objects deficient in it” (Hocart 1936:3). This paper examines the myths and mechanics of superstitions and rituals at the resource frontiers of rural Cambodia in light of this provocation. The resulting discussion traces the ways that the Blue Dragon King ancestor, a karst landscape, and the tiger that lives in a cave at the karst, articulate people within the fertile landscape. Landscape governance is visible in two registers at the resource frontier. The ancestral economics of the Blue Dragon King remains in people’s stories and rituals, even as the practices of the human and non-human residents of the forest conform to the governance practices of global economics. The practical effects visible with the juxtaposition of ancestral and global economics give rise to alternative understandings of the backwards superstitions of rural people, which might steer the coming economy toward the promotion of life and fertility through a new understanding of prosperity.
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