★ 本系列演講將以英文進行;會議室人數上限為50人
In overseas Chinese studies, new Chinese migration is defined as Chinese migration that has occurred since the early 1980s. China’s reforming policies since 1978, and its economic surge have resulted in continuous outmigration of Chinese people. Southeast Asia is one of the common destinations for Chinese migrants. This talk provides an overview of Chinese migration in Southeast Asia; including classical overseas Chinese studies that account for Chinese migration in the 19th and 20th century, and the new waves Chinese migration since the 1980s. The talk will specifically use Chinese migration in Vietnam as a case study and feature the speaker’s new research project that examines Chinese male marriage migrants in Vietnam and how such migration mobility manifests Chinese men’s transnational practice of masculinity. The talk will also provide some reflective thoughts on the new directions in overseas Chinese studies.
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