


人文社會科學研究中心編印之《人文及社會科學集刊》第二十九卷第四期業已出版,本期共收入四篇論文:劉岫靈盧梭與康德的共和理念及其實現-共和範式到政治創建的比較〉、陳建綱〈效益主義的發軔:初探邊沁的政治思想〉、魏楚陽〈論黑格爾對盧梭普遍意志概念的批評〉、Birgit Tremml-WernerMarginal Players and Intra-network Connections: New Perspectives on the Manila Trade,c.1640-1780〉。細目資料請至本中心網址參閱。http://www.rchss.sinica.edu.tw/publication/


The newest issue of the Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy has just been published by the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences.  Articles in this issue (Vol.29, No.4) include Hsiu-Ling, Liu “The Republican Ideal and Political Innovation: A Comparison between Rousseau and Kant”; Brian Chien-kang Chen, “The Commencement of Utilitarianism: A Study of Bentham’s Political Thought”; Chu-yang Wei, “On Hegel’s Critique of Rousseau’s “General Will””; Birgit Tremml-Werner, “Marginal Players and Intra-network Connections: New Perspectives on the Manila Trade, c. 1640-1780”.  Detailed information may be obtained on the Journal’s website:  http://www.rchss.sinica.edu.tw/publication