


人文社會科學研究中心編印之《人文及社會科學集刊》第三十卷第二期業已出版,本期共收入四篇論文:王宏文、柯昀伶、孫寧〈地方派系的資源配置策略:以嘉義縣社區營造資源為例的個案研究〉、林炫向、凌振庭〈霍布斯的政治理論可以運用在國際關係規範理論嗎?為一種「修正主義式」的途徑辯護〉、李建良〈法學方法與基本權解釋方法導論〉、Hoang Anh TuanThe End of a Commercial Era: From the English Junk Affair to the Vietnamese Maritime Embargo in 1693〉。細目資料請至本中心網址參閱。http://www.rchss.sinica.edu.tw/publication/

  The newest issue of the Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy has just been published by the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences.  Articles in this issue (Vol.30, No.2) include Hongwung Wang, Yun-Ling Ko and Ning Sun, “Resource Allocation Strategy of Local Factions: A Case Study of Community Development Resources in Chiayi County”; Hsuan-Hsiang Lin and Cheng-Ting Ling, “Can Hobbes’s Political Theory Be Applied to Normative International Theory? In Defense of a “Revisionist” Approach”; Chien-liang Lee, “Reflections on the Legal Methodology and the Interpretation of Basic Rights: An Introductory Overview”; Hoang Anh Tuan, “The End of a Commercial Era: From the English Junk Affair to the Vietnamese Maritime Embargo in 1693”.  Detailed information may be obtained on the Journal’s website:  http://www.rchss.sinica.edu.tw/publication

