



研究領域: 政治思想史、現代(十七至二十世紀)政治理論、啟蒙運動、系譜學、憲政理論、思想史學

Email : alchen18 at gate.sinica.edu.tw

電話 : 02-2789-8148

  1. Alvin Chen, 2024, “The Liberalism of Fear and Public Health Ethics”, PUBLIC HEALTH ETHICS, Advanced View, 1-14. (SCIE) (IF: 2.706; SCI ranking: 43.8%,65.2%)

  2. 陳禹仲,2023,〈史學作為政治思想—古憲法、東方專制、與《古印度史論》〉(Historiography as Political Thought: Ancient Constitution, Oriental Despotism, and the Historical Disquisition of Ancient India),《新史學》,34(2), 119-178。(THCI)

  3. 陳禹仲,2022,〈霍布斯、普芬道夫與國家人格理論〉(Hobbes, Pufendorf, and the Fictional Theory of the State),《人文及社會科學集刊》,36(4), 1-43。(TSSCI, THCI)

  4. Alvin Chen, 2019, “George Berkeley on Enlightenment and Commercial Society”(喬治・柏克萊論「啟蒙運動」的概念與商業社會辯論), HISTORY OF POLITICAL THOUGHT, XL(4), 676-698. (A&HCI)

  1. 陳禹仲,2023,〈憲政自由的開創:布萊克史東與普通法〉,陳正國編,《1723,世界史的11扇窗:接觸、匯聚與開創,從全球史中的人物,看見現代世界的格局與變化》,頁168-198,台北:聯經。

  2. 陳禹仲,2022,〈洛克:反奴隸的政治社會〉,曾國祥、劉佳昊編,《帝國與文明:政治思想的全球轉向》,頁125–152,台北:聯經。

  1. Alvin Chen, 2023, “Law's Empire: William Blackstone and the Political Necessity of Cosmopolitanism”, paper presented at The 16th International Congress for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Rome: International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 2023-07-03 ~ 2023-07-07.

  2. Alvin Chen, 2023, “Public Health and Political Ideology”, paper presented at Early Career Workshop, Taipei: Center for Political Thought, RCHSS, 2023-04-06.

  3. Alvin Chen, 2023, “Law and Enlightenment Cosmopolitanism: The Case of William Blackstone”, paper presented at The 4th Colloquium of the East Asian Intellectual History Network, Tokyo: East Asian Intellectual History Network, 2023-01-23 ~ 2023-01-25.

  4. Alvin Chen, 2022, “Contextualism and Genealogy: The Challenge of Relevance in the History of Political Thought”, paper presented at Seminar on Modern Western Historiography, 台北: 國立師範大學歷史學系, 2022-11-14.

  5. 陳禹仲,2022,〈啟蒙時代的法律與自由:孟德斯鳩到亞當史密斯〉,發表於國立師範大學歷史學系專題演講,台北:國立師範大學歷史學系,2022-05-03。

  6. 陳禹仲,2021,〈另一種政治亞里斯多德主義?普芬道夫與國家目的論〉,發表於探索政治現代性學術研討會,中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心,2021-11-07 ~ 2021-11-08。

  7. Alvin Chen, 2020, “The Relevance of Fear: Liberal Political Theory and Public Health Ethics”, paper presented at Association for Political Theory 2020 Virtual Conference, Online Conference: Association for Political Theory, 2020-11-09 ~ 2020-11-13.

  8. Alvin Chen, 2020, “The Relevance of Fear: Taiwan, Liberal Political Theory, and Public Health Ethics”, paper presented at Aspects of Politics in Contemporary Sinophone World, Taipei, Taiwan: Center for Political Thought, RCHSS, Academia Sinica, 2020-08-12 ~ 2020-08-14.

  9. Alvin Chen, 2020, “Montesquieu on Constitutionalism and the Teleology of the State”, paper presented at The Third East Asian Intellectual History Network Colloquium, Toyo University, Tokyo: Toyo University, Tokyo, 2020-02-13 ~ 2020-02-14.

  10. Alvin Chen,2019,〈洛克:反奴隸的道德情況〉,發表於帝國與國際政治思想:從格勞秀斯到馬克思,中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心,2019-11-04 ~ 2019-11-05。

  11. Alvin Chen, Chi-Lin Tsai, 2019, “Social Morality in Taiwan: Analytical and Empirical Re-Examination of the Moral Foundation Theory”, paper presented at 臺灣社會政治與道德價值調查學術研討會, 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心: 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心, 2019-10-04.

  12. Alvin Chen, 2019, “John Lock and the Concept of Political Law”, paper presented at 政治與社會哲學評論學術討論會, 臺灣大學: 政治與社會哲學評論, 2019-06-29.

  13. Alvin Chen, 2018, “Is "Post-Secular Society" One-Dimensional? – Thinking about Historicity and Antagonism”, paper presented at Critical Theory Roundtable, Amherst College: Amherst College, 2018-11-02 ~ 2018-11-04.

  1. 陳禹仲,2020,〈政治現實與政治時間:評Beyond Origins: Rethinking Founding in a Time of Constitutional Democracy與Political Realism in Apocalyptic Times〉,《政治與社會哲學評論》,72, 339-350。