研究領域: 個體經濟、賽局理論、財務經濟、公司財務
Email : mhtsay at gate.sinica.edu.tw
電話 : 02-2789-8188
Min-Hung Tsay*, Chun-Hsien Yeh, Youngsub Chun, accepted, “Axiomatic and strategic justifications of the connected equal splitting rule in the reordering problem”, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS. (SSCI) (IF: 1.3; SSCI ranking: 71.1%,69.8%)
Sharon S. Yang, Jr-Wei Huang, Hong-Yi Chen, Min-Hung Tsay, accepted, “Detecting corporate ESG performance: the role of ESG materiality in corporate financial performance and risks”, NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. (SSCI) (IF: 3.6; SSCI ranking: 36%,26.2%)
Min-Hung Tsay*, Chun-Hsien Yeh, Lan-Yi Liu, accepted, “Axiomatic and strategic foundations for the pairwise equal splitting rule in sequencing problems with an initial queue”, SOCIAL CHOICE AND WELFARE. (SSCI) (IF: 0.9; SSCI ranking: 85%,84.9%)
蔡明宏、林佳慶、翁培師、王志維,accepted,〈COVID-19疫情對公司股價波動度之影響:投資人情緒與公司治理的角色〉(The Impact of COVID-19 on Stock Price Volatility: The Role of Investor Sentiment and Corporate Governance),《經濟論文》。(TSSCI)
蔡明宏、翁培師、陳穎萱、蔡秉玠,2024,〈分心的獨立董事對公司有何影響?兼論企業型態之差異〉(The Effects of Distracted Independent Directors on Companies and a Comparative Analysis of Firm Types),《管理學報》,41(2), 195-227。(TSSCI)
賴孚權、陳為政、陳嘉雯、蔡明宏,2023,〈COVID-19 大流行以來公衛與經濟相關學術文獻之擇要回顧〉,《經濟論文叢刊》,51(3), 285-357。(TSSCI)
Juan D. Moreno-Ternero, Min-Hung Tsay, Chun-Hsien Yeh, 2022, “Strategic justifications of the TAL family of rules for bankruptcy problems”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY, 18(1), 92-102. (SSCI) (IF: 0.53; SSCI ranking: 94.5%)
Juan D. Moreno-Ternero, Min-Hung Tsay, Chun-Hsien Yeh, 2020, “A strategic justification of the Talmud rule based on lower and upper bounds”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GAME THEORY, 49(4), 1045-1057. (SCIE, SSCI) (IF: 0.649; SCI ranking: 95.4%,95.2%; SSCI ranking: 91.9%,98.1%)
蔡明宏、徐滋敏、翁培師,2020,〈同業整合或跨業擴展?外部環境與內部特徵對企業併購型態選擇的影響〉(Within-Industry or Across-Industry? The Influence of the External Environment and Internal Characteristics on the Choice of Corporate Acquisition Types),《證券市場發展季刊》,32(1), 33-69。(TSSCI)
蔡明宏、翁培師、王子綾、張航,2020,〈家族企業與集團企業中董事會性別組成對公司的影響:績效、研發投資以及現金持有〉(Does the Gender Composition of the Board affect Corporate Performance and Decisions? Evidence from Family Firms and Conglomerates),《管理學報》,37(1), 35-68。(TSSCI)
Min-Hung Tsay, Chun-Hsien Yeh, 2019, “Relations among the central rules in bankruptcy problems: A strategic perspective”, GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR, 113, 515-532. (SSCI) (IF: 1.265; SSCI ranking: 75.9%)
Chuang-Chang Chang, Jun-Biao Lin, Min-Hung Tsay, 2018, “A generalized Brennan-Rubinstein approach for valuing options with stochastic interest rates”, QUARTERLY REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE, 67, 92-99. (SSCI, Econlit) (IF: 4.324; SSCI ranking: 18.3%)
Cheng-Cheng Hu, Min-Hung Tsay, Chun-Hsien Yeh, 2018, “A study of the nucleolus in the nested cost-sharing problem: Axiomatic and strategic perspectives”, GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR, 109, 82-98. (SSCI) (IF: 1.265; SSCI ranking: 75.9%)
Cheng-Cheng Hu, Min-Hung Tsay, Chun-Hsien Yeh, 2012, “Axiomatic and strategic justifications for the constrained equal benefits rule in the airport problem”, GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR, 75(1), 185-197. (SSCI) (IF: 1.265; SSCI ranking: 75.9%)
Min-Hung Tsay, 2012, “Preemption and rent equalization in the adoption of new technology: Comment”, ECONOMICS BULLETIN, 32(2), 1680-1686. (Econlit)
Chuang-Chang Chang, Ya-Huei Lian, Min-Hung Tsay, 2012, “Pricing dynamic guaranteed funds under a double exponential jump diffusion model”, ACADEMIA ECONOMIC PAPERS, 40(2), 269-306. (TSSCI)
Yu-Lin Chen, Chia-Chi Lu, Min-Hung Tsay, 2012, “The role of the manager's human capital in mandatory and voluntary disclosures”, CHIAO DA MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 32(1), 107-136. (TSSCI)
Chuang-Chang Chang, Chih-Chan Chen, Min-Hung Tsay, 2010, “Pricing survivor swaps with mortality jumps and default risk”, ACADEMIA ECONOMIC PAPERS, 38(2), 119-156. (TSSCI)