研究領域: 中國社會經濟史
Email : ptchang at gate.sinica.edu.tw
Pin-tsun Chang, 2012, “The Rise of Chinese Mercantile Power in Maritime Southeast Asia, c. 1400-1700”, Crossroad: Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian World, 6, 205-230.
張彬村,2012,〈台灣早期海貿地位的興起與路徑依賴(Path Dependence)〉,《燕京學報》,新30期,頁137-153。
Pin-tsun Chang, 2009, “The Rise of Chinese Mercantile Power in VOC East Indies”, Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies, vol.3, PP.3-21..
Pin-Tsun Chang, 2002, ““Dutch VOC and the Rise of Chinese Mercantile Power in Maritime Southeast Asia in the Seventeenth Century””, Journal of the South Seas Society, Vol. 56, pp. 88-97.
張彬村,1999,〈明清時期寡婦守節的風氣--理性選擇 (Rational Choice) 的問題〉,《新史學》,10卷2期 ,頁29-76。
Pin-Tsun Chang, Chau-nan Chen, Shikuan Chen, 1995, “ “The Sung and Ming Paper Monies:Currency Competition and Currency Bubbles””, Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol.17, No. 2, pp. 273-288. (SSCI) (IF: 1.556; SSCI ranking: 65.2%)
Pin-Tsun Chang, 1992, ““Maritime China in Historical Perspective””, International Journal of Maritime History, Vol.4, No. 2, pp. 239-255.
Pin-Tsun Chang,2019,〈The rise of Chinese mercantile power in maritime Southeast Asia, c.1400-1700〉,Geoff Wade, James K. Chin編,《China and Southeast Asia: Historical Interactions (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia)》,頁221-240,New York:Routledge。
Chang, Pin-tsun, 2011, “The Emergence of Taiwan as an International Trading Rendezvous in the Sixteenth Century”, editor(s): Angela Schottenhammer, Taiwan—A Bridge between the East and South China Sea, pp. 9-24, Germany: Harrassowitz Verlag.
Pin-tsun Chang, 2008, “The First Chinese Diaspora in Southeast Asia in the Fifteenth Century”, editor(s): Geoffrey Wade, China and Southeast Asia, pp. 273-286, London & NY: Routledge.
Chang, Pin-Tsun, 2006, “The Sea as Arable Fields: A Mercantile Outlook on the Maritime Frontier of Late Ming China”, editor(s): Angela Schottenhammer,Roderich, The Perception of Maritime Space in Traditional Chinese Sources, pp. 17-26, Wiesbaden Germany: Harrassowitz Verlag.
Pin-Tsun Chang, 2004, “Chinese Migration to Taiwan in the eighteenth Century: A Paradox”, editor(s): Wang Gungwu, Ng chin-Keong, Maritime China in Transition, 1750-1850, pp. pp.97-114, Germany: Harrassowitz Verlag.
張彬村,2002,〈美洲白銀與婦女貞節:1603年馬尼拉 (Manila) 大屠殺的前因與後果〉,朱德蘭編,《中國海洋發展史論文集》第八輯,頁295-326,台灣台北:中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所。
Pin-Tsun Chang, 2001, “American Silver and Widow Chastity : Cause and Consequence of the Manila Massacre of 1603”, editor(s): 吳聰敏, 《張漢裕教授紀念研討會論文集》, pp. 205-234, 台灣台北: 台灣大學經濟系.
Pin-Tsun Chang, 1998, “The Formation of a Maritime Convention in Minnan (Southern Fujian), c. 900-1200””, editor(s): Claude Guillot, Denys Lombard, Roderich Ptak, From the Mediterranean to the China Sea, Wiesbaden, Germany :: Horrasowitz.
Pin-Tsun Chang, Chau-nan Chen, 1991, “Competing Monies in Chinese History”, editor(s): Eddy H.G.Van Cauwenberghe, Money, Coins, and Commerce: Essays in the Monetary History of Asia and Europe, pp. 375-383, Brussels, Belgium: Leuven University Press.
Pin-Tsun Chang, 1991, “The First Chinese Diaspora in Southeast Asia in the Fifteenth Century”, editor(s): Roderich Ptak, Dietmar Rothermund, pp. 13-28, Stuttgart, Germany: Franz Steiner Verlag.
張彬村,2017,〈弘一法師的涅槃路〉,發表於第九屆海峽兩岸國學論壇會議,廈門大學:廈門員簹書院、廈門大學國學研究院,2017-11-25 ~ 2017-11-26。
張彬村,2015,〈中國文化的第三週期〉,發表於傳統文化的現代意義,廈門大學:廈門大學,2015-11-20 ~ 2015-11-22。
張彬村,2011,〈海洋世界變遷的歷史分析〉,發表於近世東亞海域史的多視角研究:以各國史料為中心的探討 工作坊,中研院人社中心:人社中心 海洋史研究專題中心,2011-11-03 ~ 2011-11-04。
張彬村,2008,〈宋代閩南海貿習俗的形成〉,發表於海上交通與伊斯蘭文化學術研討會,泉州海交史博物館:泉州海交史博物館,2008-11-25 ~ 2008-11-27。
張彬村,2008,〈中國海外貿易史的幾個謎題〉,發表於中國海洋發展史研究的回顧與展望工作坊,中研院人文社會科學研究中心:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心海洋史研究專題中心,2008-10-17 ~ 2008-10-18。
張彬村, 2007, “The Emergence of Taiwan as an International Trading Rendezvous in the Sixteenth Century”, paper presented at Taiwan-a Bridge between the East and South China Seas, 德國慕尼黑: 慕尼黑大學亞洲研究系, 2007-11-05.
張彬村,2006,〈荷蘭東印度公司時代華人的商業勢力發展〉,發表於第十屆海洋史國際學術研討會,台北市:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心海洋史研究專題中心,2006-08-25 ~ 2006-08-26。
張彬村, 2005, “The Sea as Arable Fields: A Mercantile Outlook on the Maritime Frontier of Late Ming China”, paper presented at Maritime Space in Traditional Chinese Sources, Inst. of Sinology, 2005-02-25 ~ 2005-02-26.