研究領域: 數位交互、媒體心理學、人工智慧、資料科學
Email : mjcho at gate.sinica.edu.tw
電話 : 2789-8197
Shi, L., Brandt, A. R., Iancu, D., Mach, K. J., Field, C., Cho, M., ... & Reeves, B. B.,2024,〈Climate impacts of digital use supply chains〉,《Environmental Research: Climate》,3, 1-11。
Cho, M.*, Reeves, B., Ram, N., Robinson, T. N., 2023, “Balancing media selections over time: Emotional valence, informational content, and time intervals of use.”, HELIYON, 9(12), 1-15. (Scopus, SCIE)
Cho, M., Reeves, B., Robnison, T., & Ram, N., 2023, “Media production on smartphones: Analysis of the timing, content, and context of message production using real-world smartphone use data.”, CYBERPSYCHOLOGY BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL NETWORKING, 26(5), 371-379. (SSCI) (IF: 6.6; SSCI ranking: 7.9%)
Reeves, B. & Cho, M.*, 2023, “The good and bad of how theory is used in communication research.”, The Journal of Information Society, 44, 1-26.
Sun, X., Ram, N., Reeves, B., Cho, M., Fitzgerald, A., & Robinson, T. N., 2022, “Connectedness and independence of young adults and parents in the digital world: Observing smartphone interactions at multiple timescales using Screenomics.”, JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS, 40(4), 1126-1150. (SSCI) (IF: 2.681; SSCI ranking: 47.9%,31.3%,62.1%)
Reeves, B., Ram, N., Robinson, T. N., Cummings, J. J., Giles, C. L., Pan, J., Chiatti, A., Cho, M., ... & Gagneja, A., 2021, “Screenomics: A framework to capture and analyze personal life experiences and the ways that technology shapes them.”, HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION, 36(2), 150-201. (SCIE) (IF: 6.459; SCI ranking: 16.7%,11.7%)
Brinberg, M., Ram, N., Yang, X., Cho, M., Sundar, S. S., Robinson, T. N., & Reeves, B., 2021, “The idiosyncrasies of everyday digital lives: Using the Human Screenome Project to study user behavior on smartphones.”, COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 114, 106570, 1-11.
Ram, N., Yang, X., Cho, M., Brinberg, M., Muirhead, F., Reeves, B., & Robinson, T. N., 2020, “Screenomics: A new approach for observing and studying individuals’ digital lives.”, Journal of Adolescent Research, 35(1), 16-50. (SSCI) (IF: 3; SSCI ranking: 47.5%)
Chiatti Agnese, Cho Mu Jung, Gagneja Anupriya, Yang Xiao, Brinberg Miriam, Roehrick Katie, Choudhury Sagnik Ray, Ram Nilam, Reeves Byron, Giles C. Lee,2018,〈Text extraction and retrieval from smartphone screenshots〉,《Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing》,33, 948-955。
MacInnis, B., Krosnick, J., Suh, A., & Cho, M., 2018, “The accuracy of measurements with probability and nonprobability survey samples: Replication and extension.”, Public Opinion Quarterly, 82(4), 707-744. (SSCI) (IF: 4.122; SSCI ranking: 21.9%,14.4%,15.2%)
Chiatti, A., Yang, X., Brinberg, M., Cho, M., Gagneja, A., Ram, N., Reeves, B., Giles C. L.,2017,〈Text Extraction from Smartphone Screenshots to Archive in situ Media Behavior〉,《Proceedings of the Knowledge Capture Conference》,40, 1-4。
Li Jamy, Zhao Xuan, Cho Mu-Jung, Ju Wendy, Malle Bertram F.,2016,〈From Trolley to Autonomous Vehicle: Perceptions of Responsibility and Moral Norms in Traffic Accidents with Self-Driving Cars〉,《SAE Technical Paper》,2016-01-0164, 0。
Lee, J.*, Cho, M., 2024, “Deception in the Global Online Marketplace: How Humans and Computers Detect Algorithmically Targeted Online Job Scams”, paper presented at The 74th Annual ICA Conference, Gold Coast, Australia: International Communication Association, 2024-06-20 ~ 2024-06-24.
Ng, M., Cho, M., Eichstaedt, J., Reeves, B., Robinson, T., Ram, N., 2023, “Characterizing ”bottom-up” engagement with climate communication with mobile sensing.”, paper presented at The 73rd Annual International Communication Association Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada: International Communication Association, 2023-05-25 ~ 2023-05-29.
Lee, A., Cerit, M., Hancock, J., Miner, A., Cho, M., Muise, D., Garron, A., Ram, N., Robinson, T., Reeves, B., 2023, “Fragmentation of smartphone use and mental health: Changes in depressive symptoms, anxiety and turbulence over one year.”, paper presented at The 73rd Annual International Communication Association Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada: International Communication Association, 2023-05-25 ~ 2023-05-29.
Sun, X., Reeves, B., Ram, N., Cho, M., Fitzgerald, A., & Robinson, T. N., 2020, “Pulling closer or pushing away? Ambivalence in the dynamics between young adults and parents in the digital context.”, paper presented at The 2020 National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) Annual Conference, virtual: National Council on Family Relations, 2020-11-04 ~ 2020-11-13.
Sun, X., Robinson, T. N., Ram, N., Reeves, B., Cho, M., Chiatti, A., Lee, J., Roehrick, K., Yang, X., & Fitzgerald, A., 2020, “Parent-young adult communication in the digital world: A Screenomics paradigm.”, paper presented at The International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), virtual: IC2S2, 2020-07-17 ~ 2020-07-20.
Cho, M., Yang., X., Brinberg, M., & Reeves, B., 2020, “Media production behavior on smartphones: Time, content, structure, and context.”, paper presented at The 70th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, virtual: International Communication Association, 2020-05-21 ~ 2020-05-25.
Cho, M., & Muise, D., 2019, “A study of factual information consumption on smartphones: Demographics, time of use, and online media platforms.”, paper presented at The 2019 Annual Conference of the Chinese Communication Society, Taipei, Taiwan: Chinese Communication Society, 2019-06-27 ~ 2019-06-28.
Cho, M., Reeves, B., Ram, N., & Yang., X., 2019, “Balancing the facts: The sequencing of thinking and feeling on mobile phone screens.”, paper presented at The 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Washington, D.C., USA.: International Communication Association, 2019-05-24 ~ 2019-05-28.
Ram, N., Cho, M., Yang, X., Brinberg, M., Muirhead, F., Reeves, B., & Robinson, T., 2019, “Teen screenomes: Describing and interpreting adolescents’ day-to-day digital lives.”, paper presented at The 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Washington, D.C., USA.: International Communication Association, 2019-05-24 ~ 2019-05-28.
Mu-Jung Cho,2020,〈Media Production Behavior on Smartphones: Time, Content, Structure, and Context.〉,共169頁。