研究領域: 多層線性模型的應用、調查研究議題、教育議題
Email : mengliya at gate.sinica.edu.tw
電話 : 02-2789-8198
Meng-Li Yang, 2023, “Recording Response Codability Live: An Investigation of its Usefulness and Possible Interference”, 調查研究—方法與應用, 51, 9-56. (TSSCI)
Wen-Shan Lin*, Hong-Ren Chen, Meng-Li Yang, 2020, “How do we learn to get success together through crowdfunding platform? From the perspectives of system learning and multi-motivations”, TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, 101428. (SSCI) (IF: 9.14; SSCI ranking: 4.7%)
Meng-Li Yang, 2019, “Respondents’ Manifestations of Extraversion in Survey Interviews: Their Relationships with the Extreme Response Style and Attitude Strength”, 調查研究--方法與應用, 42, 125-164. (TSSCI)
Ruoh-Rong Yu、Yu-Sheng Liu、Meng-Li Yang, 2014, “Does Interviewer Personality Matter for Survey Outcomes? Evidence from a Face-to-face Panel Study of Taiwan”, 調查研究 --- 方法與應用, 31, 89-121.
Pei-Fen Sung, Meng-Li Yang, 2013, “Exploring Disciplinary Background Effect on Social Studies Teachers’ Knowledge and Pedagogy”, The Journal of Educational Research, 106(1), 77-88. (SSCI) (IF: 1.67; SSCI ranking: 76.3%)
Meng-Li Yang, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2011, “Effects of identifiers in mail surveys”, Field Methods, 23(3): 243-265. (SSCI) (IF: 1.782; SSCI ranking: 36.6%,59.8%)
張苙雲,楊孟麗,趙景雲, 2011, “就醫行為的潛在類型與健康測量:全民健康保險資料的應用”, 台灣社會學刊, 46, 207-247. (TSSCI)
Meng-Li Yang, Ruoh-Rong Yu , 2011, “Exploring the Relationship Between Telephone Interviewers’ Psychological Traits and Performance”, 調查研究—方法與研究, 25, 7-46.
楊孟麗,2011,〈訪問品質與訪問速度及訪問次序的關係〉,《調查研究—方法與研究》,25, 47-89。
Sung, P.-F. and Yang, Meng-Li, 2009, “National identity and its relationship with teachers' historical knowledge and pedagogy: The case of Taiwan”, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 29(2),179-194. (SSCI) (IF: 1.478; SSCI ranking: 81.5%)
Duan-Rung Chen, Ly-Yun Chang and Meng-Li Yang, 2008, “Gender-specific responses to social determinants associated with self-perceived health in Taiwan: a multilevel approach ”, Social Science & Medicine, 67, 1630-1640. (SCIE, SSCI) (IF: 5.379; SCI ranking: 25.7%; SSCI ranking: 16.4%,8.7%)
Meng-Li Yang and Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2008, “The interviewer effect when there is an education gap with the respondent: Evidence from a survey on biotechnology ”, Social Science Research, 37, 1321-1331. (SSCI) (IF: 2.617; SSCI ranking: 38.7%)
Pan, W-H, Fann, C. S. J., Wu, J.-Y., Hung, Y.-T., Ho, M.-S., Tai, T. H., Chen, Y.-J., Liao, C.-J., Yang, M.-L., Cheng, A. T.-A. and Chen, Y.-T, 2006, “Han Chinese Cell and Genome Bank in Taiwan: Purpose, Design and Ethical Considerations”, Human Heredity, 61, 27-30. (SCIE) (IF: 1.455; SCI ranking: 88.7%)
Stephen W. Raudenbush, Meng-Li Yang and Matheos Yosef, 2000, “Maximum Likelihood for Generalized Linear Models with Nested Random Effects Via High-Order,”, Computational and Graphical Statistics, 9, 141-157.
Chang, Fu, Jeng-Cheng Chen, Chan-Cheng Liu, Chia-Hsiung Liu, Meng-Li Yang,Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2011, “Identifying the Critical Features that Affect the Job Performance of Survey Interviewers”, editor(s): Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2011 Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI) Conference Proceedings, pp. 149-154, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Meng-Li Yang,2022,〈Exploring the Effects of the Numbers and Wordings of Middle Response Categories〉,發表於2022 International Conference on Method Triangulation: Implications for Social Science Research,Taipei:Center for Survey Research, RCHSS, Academia Sinica,2022-08-18 ~ 2022-08-19。
Meng-Li Yang, 2021, “An Examination of the Effectiveness of Attention Check Items in Web Surveys”, 27 pages, paper presented at 2021年調查研究方法與應用學術研討會, 台北: 中央研究院調查研究專題中心, 2021-09-02 ~ 2021-09-03.
Meng-Li Yang, 2019, “Assessing the Accuracy of Interviewers’ Records of Respondents’ Response Codability”(評估訪員紀錄回答可過錄性的正確程度), paper presented at 2019 International Conference and Workshops on Survey Research Methodology, 台北: 中央研究院人社中心調查研究專題中心, 2019-08-07 ~ 2019-08-09.
Meng-Li Yang, 2019, “Acquiescence Bias? Or a Perceived Middle Ground?”, paper presented at WAPOR 72nd Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada: WAPOR, 2019-05-19 ~ 2019-05-21.
Meng-Li Yang,2018,〈USING RESPONDENTS’ RESPONSE CODABILITY AS AN INDICATOR OF ATTITUDE STRENGTH〉,發表於2018調查研究方法與應用學術研討會,台北:中央研究院,2018-10-04 ~ 2018-10-05。
楊孟麗,2018,〈勞動年紀的主婦就業與家人健康的關係〉,共17頁,發表於當代家庭之議題與樣貌,台北:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心,2018-08-30 ~ 2018-08-31。
Meng-Li Yang,2018,〈Respondents’ Manifestations of Extraversion in Survey Interviews: Their Relationships with the Extreme Response Style and Attitude Strength〉,發表於World Association for Public Opinion Research, Asia Chapter,台北市:世界公共意見研究學會-亞洲分會,2018-05-25 ~ 2018-05-26。
楊孟麗, 2017, “Acquiescent Answers: The Respondent’s Intention to Help”, paper presented at the 1st RC33 Regional Conference on Social Science and Methodology: Asia, 台北: RC33 &中央研究院, 2017-09-0.
Ko, Chyong-Fang, & Yang, Meng-Li, 2016, “Gender Gaps in Self-Perceived Quality of Health in EU Member States: Micro-Macro Linkages”, paper presented at the international conference on Family and Health: A Global Perspective, 台北: 中研院歐美所, 2016-07-26.
Meng-Li Yang, 2016, “Exploring the Effectiveness of Using the Amount of Interviewer’s Extra Efforts as an Indicator of the Respondent’s Attitude Strength”, 30 pages, paper presented at 2016 AAPOR Annual Conference, Austin, Texas, United State: American Association for Public Opinion Research, 2016-05-12 ~ 2016-05-15.
楊孟麗,2015,〈訪問氣氛跟資料品質的關係〉,發表於2015「調查研究方法與應用」學術研討會,台北:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心,2015-09-03 ~ 2015-09-04。
Yang, Meng-Li, 2013, “The Effect of Rapport in Standardized Interviews on Data Quality”, paper presented at 2013調查研究方法與應用國際學術研討會, 台北: 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心, 2013-09-05 ~ 2013-09-06.
楊孟麗, 2012, “Do Question Formats Matter in the Measurement of Knowledge?”, paper presented at 2012調查研究方法與應用學術研討會, 中央研究院學術活動中心: 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心, 2012-09-07.
楊孟麗, 2012, “Do Question Formats Matter in the Measurement of Knowledge?”, paper presented at 台灣基因體意向學術研討會, 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心第一會議室: 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心, 2012-05-18.
Fu Chang, Jeng-Cheng Chen, Chan-Cheng Liu, Chia-Hsiung Liu, Meng-Li Yang, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2011, “Identifying the Critical Features that Affect the Job Performance of Survey Interviewers”, paper presented at Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI) 2011, Taoyuan, Taiwan: Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence (TAAI), 2011-11-11 ~ 2011-11-13.
Ruoh-Rong Yu, Yu-Sheng Liu, Meng-Li Yang, 2011, “Does Interviewer Personality Matter for Survey Outcomes? Evidence from a Face-to-face Panel Study of Taiwan”, paper presented at World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) 64th Annual Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands: World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), 2011-09-21 ~ 2011-09-23.
Yang, Meng-Li, 2010, “The Cross-Time Relationship between Educational Achievement and Psychological Well-Being of Chinese Adolescents: Evidence from Taiwan”, paper presented at The 2010 International Conference on Child and Adolescent Research, Taipei: National Taiwan University, 2010-11-26.
楊孟麗,2010,〈大學生的心理健康、學習與人生目標〉,發表於大專校院校務研究與高等教育發展國際學術研討會,台北:國立台灣師範大學,2010-11-18 ~ 2010-11-20。
楊孟麗,2010,〈打工對於畢業後的職業回報之影響〉,發表於大專校院校務研究與高等教育發展國際學術研討會,台北:國立台灣師範大學,2010-11-18 ~ 2010-11-20。
Ruoh-Rong Yu, Meng-Li Yang, Yu-Sheng Liu, 2010, “ Interviewers' Traits and Survey Outcomes: Evidence from a Face -to-Face Panel Study of Taiwan. ”, paper presented at 2010第十屆調查研究方法與應用國際學術研討會, 中央研究院活動中心: 中研院調查研究專題中心, 2010-08-25 ~ 2010-08-26.
Meng-Li Yang, Li-Yun Wang, and Wei-Lin Wang , 2010, “Three Experiments in a Web Survey”, paper presented at 2010第十屆調查研究方法與應用國際學術研討會, 中央研究院活動中心: 中研院調查研究專題中心, 2010-08-25 ~ 2010-08-26.
楊孟麗、于若蓉 , 2009, “Exploring the relationship between interviewer personality and interviewer performance”, 32 pages, paper presented at 2009第九屆調查研究方法與應用學術研討會, 台北南港: 中央研究院調查研究專題中心, 2009-09-11.
王鴻龍、陳俊如、楊孟麗, 2008, “Exploring factor analysis for incomplete ordinal data.”, paper presented at 2008 Survey Research Methodology Conference., 台北: 中研院人社調查研究專題中心, 2008-09-11 ~ 2008-09-12.
Yu, Ruoh-Rong, Yang, Meng-Li , 2008, “I'll tell you what I really think if you don't know my name: The effect of identifying codes on mail survey”, paper presented at 第八屆「調查研究方法與應用」國際學術研討會, 台北: 中研院人社調查研究專題中心, 2008-09-11 ~ 2008-09-12.
張苙雲、楊孟麗, 2008, “Education expansion and health disparities between educational groups”, paper presented at 2008社會學年會「社會不平等與健康不平等」, 台北:南港: 社會學年會, 2008.
Meng-Li Yang, Samuel S. Peng, 2007, “Estimating nonresponse bias in a college student web census with late respondents.”, paper presented at Survey research methodology and application conference, the 7th annual meeting, 台北市: Center for Survey Research, Academia Sinica, 2007-09-07.
楊孟麗、王麗雲,2007,〈教育指標與教育發展〉,發表於社會指標及社會發展國際研討會,台北市:中研院,2007-06-14 ~ 2007-06-15。
Duan-Rung Chen, Ly-Yun Chang and Meng-Li Yang, 2006, “Evidence for gender inequality in Health: differential exposure hypothesis or differential vulnerability hypothesis?”, paper presented at 2006年社會學年會暨國科會專題研究成果發表會, 台北市: 東海大學社會系、台灣社會學會, 2006-11-25 ~ 2006-11-26.
Meng-Li Yang, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2006, “Interviewer effect in Taiwan Genomic Survey”, paper presented at 2006 Survey Research Methodology Conference, Taipei, Taiwan: Academia Sinica, 2006-08-30 ~ 2006-08-31.
楊孟麗、關秉寅, 2004, “Educational Achievement and Family Structure:Evidence from Two Cohorts of Adolescents in Taiwan”, paper presented at 教育階層化與家庭專題研討會, 台北市: 中央研究院, 2004-11.
Tam, Tony, Yang Meng-Li, Kuan Ping-Yin, 2004, “Family in the Making of Educational Inequality:A Comparative analysis of Taiwan and the US.”, paper presented at 國際社會學會(ISA)RC28學術會議, 瑞士Neuchatel: 國際社會學會, 2004-05.
楊孟麗、譚康榮, 2004, “Mental Health Inequality in the Adolescent Society:Family Background and the Paradox of Academic Success in Taiwan”, paper presented at 國際社會學學會(ISA)RC28學術會議, 瑞士Neuchatel: 缺, 2004-05.
楊孟麗, 2004, “Educational Achievement and Family structure:A Comparative Analysis of Taiwan and the US.”, paper presented at 國際社會學會(ISA)RC28學術會議, 瑞士Neuchatel: 缺, 2004-05.
楊孟麗,2014,〈量化分析者的互動新園地—介紹SRDA「程式分享交流平台」〉,《人文與社會科學簡訊》,15:4, 84-93。
Meng-Li Yang, 2012, “Strategies of Promoting the Use of Survey Research Data Archive.”, IASSIST Quarterly, 36(1), 16-21.
林季平、章英華、陳小紅、傅祖壇、范毅軍、王永慈、周愫嫺、楊孟麗、溫在弘, 2008, 社會發展政策統計與調查資料庫規劃, 1043 pages, commissioned by 行政院發展考核委員會..
楊孟麗, 2008, 青少年的心理健康與學習成就的成長模式—九年一貫教改的效果, commissioned by 國科會..
楊孟麗、譚康榮、黃敏雄,2003,〈 心理計量報告:TEPS 2001 分析能力測驗〉。